Social Teacher/Student Relationships

Thai Otoshi

Gold Belt
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
It's gonna be quite a while before my twins (boy and girl) are teenagers, but I worry about this kind of shit. I don't buy the notion that it's a victimless crime.

The hot teachers sleeping with students sounds awesome to some of us as adults... but we're adults. We're looking at it from the perspective of adults. Most of us now have the maturity and life experience to not let it fuck with us. We know who we are, how we're supposed to behave, and how we're supposed to be treated. It would just be sex.

It seems so obvious to us, but anyone who spends a significant amount of time around kids, parents or not, should be able to figure out that kids are fucking idiots. Pretty much any and all information they are given they take to the extreme. Every experience is warped in their weird little brains. Teenagers are not much better.

The sex part isn't even the main issue, but the fact that it's authority figures doing this to young people under their care. Even if it's my son that something like this happens to, that shit will fuck with him, and warp his perception of sexual relationships for life. It seems like damn near all of these women are married, and half of them are giving the kids drugs. It teaches them an innate disrespect of authority, disrespect of their vows to their spouses, lack of professionalism, that sexual relationships can/should have a disproportionate power dynamic, etc..

Pics, for the mouthbreathers.
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Home school them. Problem solved.
Instances of it are highly mediatized, but I don't think it's very common. You have literally millions of student who go through the system every year just fine. There's no point being overly worried about it over any other danger e.g. car accident, illness.
Drugging your kids because they have "too much energy" is a much bigger issue than worrying about the teacher boogeyman, imo.
Drugging your kids because they have "too much energy" is a much bigger issue than worrying about the teacher boogeyman, imo.

You're probably right about that.

I'd add that if you have a good relationship and keep lines of communication open with them, you should hopefully be able to prevent anything from happening.

That being said, our daughter has recently had an issue similar to what was described by the TS.

A male much older than her from an organization she was a part of outside school was trying not setup handouts with her and had tried to kiss her. He then continued to try to contact her over social media.

She told us about what had been happening and the person has been fired. We contacted management at the organization and the individual was promptly fired.

The danger is def real, so keeping dialogue and clear is important. The more your kids feel they can talk to you openly and honestly about anything the less chance something like this can get out of hand.

Well, that's my 2 cents.
When I was younger I thought about wanting to bang a few of my teachers and subs.

I didnt develop those feelings when I got older.

Your son will most likely have the same feelings too. Its better if he bangs a teacher then a teacher bangs your daughter.
I remember a Department of Education study in the early 2000s that estimated sexual abuse in public schools to be 100 times higher than Catholic schools, and this was after the Catholic scandals had already come out. As a percentage it's still probably quite low, but it is ignorant not to treat this as a problem.

Like take this for example: "Because of its carefully drawn sample and survey methodology, the AAUW report that nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career presents the most accurate data available at this time."

It's also interesting that black and Hispanic minorities are disproportionately the targets while whites and Asians are underrepresented as targets.
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It's gonna be quite a while before my twins (boy and girl) are teenagers, but I worry about this kind of shit. I don't buy the notion that it's a victimless crime.

The hot teachers sleeping with students sounds awesome to some of us as adults... but we're adults. We're looking at it from the perspective of adults. Most of us now have the maturity and life experience to not let it fuck with us. We know who we are, how we're supposed to behave, and how we're supposed to be treated. It would just be sex.

It seems so obvious to us, but anyone who spends a significant amount of time around kids, parents or not, should be able to figure out that kids are fucking idiots. Pretty much any and all information they are given they take to the extreme. Every experience is warped in their weird little brains. Teenagers are not much better.

The sex part isn't even the main issue, but the fact that it's authority figures doing this to young people under their care. Even if it's my son that something like this happens to, that shit will fuck with him, and warp his perception of sexual relationships for life. It seems like damn near all of these women are married, and half of them are giving the kids drugs. It teaches them an innate disrespect of authority, disrespect of their vows to their spouses, lack of professionalism, that sexual relationships can/should have a disproportionate power dynamic, etc..

Pics, for the mouthbreathers.

You are right. It is not a victimless crime. I know and half raised one young man who was the victim of sexual abuse. He was 12 years old and an older woman (must have been a sex addict) picked him up on the way home from school one day and took him to her house and had sex with him.

He said that it was incredibly traumatic and scared him to the point that he gets creeped out even now as an adult sometimes by having sex. His little brain was not equipped or ready for that encounter....

Add the teacher student imbalance to that and its even worse.
Instances of it are highly mediatized, but I don't think it's very common. You have literally millions of student who go through the system every year just fine. There's no point being overly worried about it over any other danger e.g. car accident, illness.
Instances of people being caught and prosecuted for it are, but it's a lot more common than that. I've heard of it a lot just among the people I know. At just my school at the time I was there, 2 male teachers banged about 6 or 7 female students.
Instances of it are highly mediatized, but I don't think it's very common. You have literally millions of student who go through the system every year just fine. There's no point being overly worried about it over any other danger e.g. car accident, illness.
It’s as prevalent as it’s always been. You just hear about it now and of course nobody gives a shit if it’s a boy
I'd be more worried about them getting shot by some domestic terrorist, tbh.
Teachers have been convicted in my county high school, and multiple other teachers have been investigated in the last two decades where I live. It’s appalling that I live in small town and not a large one where you’d think these things would happen more often, yet they still do.
It's gonna be quite a while before my twins (boy and girl) are teenagers, but I worry about this kind of shit. I don't buy the notion that it's a victimless crime.

The hot teachers sleeping with students sounds awesome to some of us as adults... but we're adults. We're looking at it from the perspective of adults. Most of us now have the maturity and life experience to not let it fuck with us. We know who we are, how we're supposed to behave, and how we're supposed to be treated. It would just be sex.

It seems so obvious to us, but anyone who spends a significant amount of time around kids, parents or not, should be able to figure out that kids are fucking idiots. Pretty much any and all information they are given they take to the extreme. Every experience is warped in their weird little brains. Teenagers are not much better.

The sex part isn't even the main issue, but the fact that it's authority figures doing this to young people under their care. Even if it's my son that something like this happens to, that shit will fuck with him, and warp his perception of sexual relationships for life. It seems like damn near all of these women are married, and half of them are giving the kids drugs. It teaches them an innate disrespect of authority, disrespect of their vows to their spouses, lack of professionalism, that sexual relationships can/should have a disproportionate power dynamic, etc..

Pics, for the mouthbreathers.
Agree, its a massive breach of trust for basically everyone around that teacher. The students, the parents, the employer.... But you're talking to a site full of deviant males who watch porn all the time.
Drugging your kids because they have "too much energy" is a much bigger issue than worrying about the teacher boogeyman, imo.
No shit, but that's not what this thread is about.
There's no point being overly worried about it over any other danger e.g. car accident, illness.
To be clear, I'm not shaking in fear about this happening to my kids. I'm fully aware that they likely aren't going to ever be exposed to this unique kind of abuse.

But as a parent, you have to at least try to take an honest look at ALL dangers to your child, big and small.
The most emasculating thing I can think of is your woman banging a 17 year old cause you ain’t hitting it right

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