Suspect shouted 'Hail Hitler' before shooting incident after Spencer event

I didn't say they were equal. But honestly the law doesn't look at them all that differently.

I think you really need to just take things slow when people post things. All I said is they are both dumb as fuck. I didn't say they were the exact same. Just try to relax

If I see a guy in an Antifa shirt screaming shit. I have NO right to sucker punch him. That sucker punch could result in death.

People are allowed to say stupid shit and believe in stupid shit

Remember those nazis all beating up on that young black guy in Charlottesville ? Remember that? Beating him with sticks on the ground. Do you know who was actually arrested from that shit after ALL the video was viewed

Let's agree on this. Violence against any individual that is not done in defense of ones self is out of bounds

lol what

Felony attempted murder

Misdemeanor assault

They are absolutely treated differently. You're a vapid cunt.
I don’t get it, how the hell they think they are better cuz of their skin color and all I see is dumb fucks all the time believing that crap.
When they start getting scientist, novel prize winners, philosophers, etc. To their cause then maybe then I may listen to their crap.
Didn't the victim respond with a proper Hitler salute?
I agree, and just like Antifa, there is a growing number of them rallying around a doofus folk hero in Spencer, and they are becoming more and more violent.

But when Antifa is brought up, it seems like most people call them out for what they are. When Nazis are brought up, this forum seems to downplay them. Within a few posts, somebody is saying, "It was only like 50 guys!!" or they turn the conversation into one about Antifa, or Nazi-punching. That is what happened here.

A conversation needs to happen about the extremism on both sides. But the conversation has to be just as harsh on these white nationalists as it is on anybody else. For some reason, guys here downplay the danger associated with them. We've already seen somebody killed at a rally, we just saw an attempted shooting at a rally, and we've seen mass murder at the hands of a white supremacist at a church. We need to be able to address this stuff without the conversation always turning into an attempt at equivalency only when Nazis are brought up.

Like I said, you won't see me talking about Nazis in a thread about violence from Antifa. I do think it minimalizes what happened when you immediately call an attempted murderer "dumb" just like a guy who punched somebody.

I think this is a huge moral false equivalency. Shooting somebody is not the same as punching them, and the two things should not be brought up under the huge umbrella of, "Well, they are both wrong." That is my opinion on that, and it does not matter what the sides are, I would say the same thing.

I don't see anyone down playing nazis or the Aryans front or whatever they are called...

Racists, regardless of race are fucking assholes...
I think that is something we can all agree on.
I don’t get it, how the hell they think they are better cuz of their skin color and all I see is dumb fucks all the time believing that crap.
When they start getting scientist, novel prize winners, philosophers, etc. To their cause then maybe then I may listen to their crap.
That's the issue. They look at the skin color of Nobel Laureates, for instance, and try to use the loose association of their shared skin color to pretend they're part of some elite group that comprises people who are actually useful.
I don't see anyone down playing nazis or the Aryans front or whatever they are called...

Racists, regardless of race are fucking assholes...
I think that is something we can all agree on.

I guess you haven't spent much time in the war room.

I don't see anyone down playing nazis or the Aryans front or whatever they are called...

You're not paying any attention then.

I'll give you an easy one to spot.

If there is a thread was about a "leftist" doing something violent, you would see the thread fill with people bashing leftists, antifa, calling them all scum, and saying how dangerous they are. People would call them terrorists.

This thread had a white nationalist shooting at someone. The response was, "Those specific guys are dumb, low IQ, just like leftists who punch Nazis."

Nobody voluntarily went after white nationalists or Nazis. Nobody went on to say how dangerous they are becoming. They picked out specific individuals from the group, and compared them to leftists punching people.

There is a huge difference there. I hope you see that, it's pretty glaring.
That's the issue. They look at the skin color of Nobel Laureates, for instance, and try to use the loose association of their shared skin color to pretend they're part of some elite group that comprises people who are actually useful.
I know.
Lots of those novel guys are jews which makes things even more ironic
You're not paying any attention then.

I'll give you an easy one to spot.

If there is a thread was about a "leftist" doing something violent, you would see the thread fill with people bashing leftists, antifa, calling them all scum, and saying how dangerous they are. People would call them terrorists.

This thread had a white nationalist shooting at someone. The response was, "Those specific guys are dumb, low IQ, just like leftists who punch Nazis."

Nobody voluntarily went after white nationalists or Nazis. Nobody went on to say how dangerous they are becoming. They picked out specific individuals from the group, and compared them to leftists punching people.

There is a huge difference there. I hope you see that, it's pretty glaring.

Man. You have not been reading this thread
I don't see anyone down playing nazis or the Aryans front or whatever they are called...

Racists, regardless of race are fucking assholes...
I think that is something we can all agree on.

Let's just stop responding to him

Nothing can be said at this point. He's literally had everyone say how disgusting these guys are and he just keeps ignoring it
You're not paying any attention then.

I'll give you an easy one to spot.

If there is a thread was about a "leftist" doing something violent, you would see the thread fill with people bashing leftists, antifa, calling them all scum, and saying how dangerous they are. People would call them terrorists.

This thread had a white nationalist shooting at someone. The response was, "Those specific guys are dumb, low IQ, just like leftists who punch Nazis."

Nobody voluntarily went after white nationalists or Nazis. Nobody went on to say how dangerous they are becoming. They picked out specific individuals from the group, and compared them to leftists punching people.

There is a huge difference there. I hope you see that, it's pretty glaring.

@SBJJ And I among others have thoroughly condemned these guys..

Not sure what level of censure you're looking for.

And the reason why antifa receives more condemnation is most likely because they perpetrate more acts of violence.
@SBJJ And I among others have thoroughly condemned these guys..

Not sure what level of censure you're looking for.

And the reason why antifa receives more condemnation is most likely because they perpetrate more acts of violence.

I'm done with him. I suggest you do to

The guy gets exactly what he wants according to his first posts. But then changed it.

First...Honest talk of the extremes

Then he gets that and he's still bitching
@SBJJ And I among others have thoroughly condemned these guys..

Not sure what level of censure you're looking for.

And the reason why antifa receives more condemnation is most likely because they perpetrate more acts of violence.

I honestly don't think Antifa or the extreme left gets more condemnation at all.

Look at the article the OP posted. They literally show the guy getting surrounded and sucker punched(ITS PART OF THE ARTICLE!!) and the OP just acts like it's not even in the article.
Imagine the OP having a conversation with someone

OP: Hey Bro did you read that article I sent you

Friend: Yea man, those stupid fuckin nazis shooting off a pistol. Complete wastes of human skin. And those people punching the dude in the face are assholes to

OP: What the fuck racist. How can you say that!

Friend: no man. I hate racists. Those dudes should be prosecuted. But sucker punching a guy sucks to. Theses extremists just all suck

OP: why won't you condemn the nazis?

Friend: dude. I just did. I hate those fuckers!!

OP: why do you love Nazis?

Friend: dude. Did you forget to take your medication today?
@SBJJ And I among others have thoroughly condemned these guys..

Not sure what level of censure you're looking for.

And the reason why antifa receives more condemnation is most likely because they perpetrate more acts of violence.

Okay, good. You are acknowledging that antifa receives more condemnation than white supremacists.

Now, I think that you are making a terrible attempt to rationalize why that is.

How many murders have been committed by Antifa as compared to white supremacists? I think Antifa members have killed zero people, right? White supremacists have killed many in recent years. I can make a list if you want.

So you have to try again. Why do people go after Antifa more than white nationalists and Nazis? It cannot be because they are more violent, since white nationalists have shown more extreme violence both recently and going back the last 30 years.
SBJJ, your yellow cards suit you well. I can see how you earned those.
We have dozens of threads about Antifa, and violence at protests. At some point, a serious look has to be taken at the white nationalists and this story focuses on a shooting. The conversation happens on here all the time in relation to Antifa, that conversation is not lacking here. The white nationalist violence is downplayed.

There is very little white nationalist violence. And during the very rare times it occurs everyone on the right condemns it.

Isolated incident. Nothing to see here.
Stupid fucks...

What possible good could have been accomplished from any of this?

This was your initial condemnation. "Stupid fucks, what possible good could come from this?" That's a condemnation, that's true. But this is where the problem comes about.

There was a baseball game where some people held a sign that said, "Racism is as American as baseball." This was your response:

Self loathing and righteous leftist fucks....the scum of the planet

That post was "liked" by one guy, our most openly racist poster (now that blackened is banned), RIPWARRIOR, by the way.

Do you see how people get confused about your posts? You are truly enraged by leftists, even if they hurt absolutely nobody. Just holding a sign that is meant to draw attention to an anti-racism cause infuriates you. You actually show more hatred for guys holding a sign about racism than you do for actual racists yelling Hail Hitler and shooting at people.

That is pretty consistent.