Suspect shouted 'Hail Hitler' before shooting incident after Spencer event

It's shocking a guy would post a story showing violence on both sides then get upset with people condemning both sides. I have to think OP did not read entire story.

Next Time don't post the actual link detailing the violence if you are gonna get offended by people commenting on it.
See, now if they'd turned the gun sideways, I bet they could've at least hit a bystander or something.

I keed I keed

Idiots. Jail them.
It's shocking a guy would post a story showing violence on both sides then get upset with people condemning both sides. I have to think OP did not read entire story.

Next Time don't post the actual link detailing the violence if you are gonna get offended by people commenting on it.

What do you think about white nationalists and Nazis?
We have dozens of threads about Antifa, and violence at protests. At some point, a serious look has to be taken at the white nationalists and this story focuses on a shooting. The conversation happens on here all the time in relation to Antifa, that conversation is not lacking here. The white nationalist violence is downplayed.

You first said you wanted a conversation on the extremes. You posted a link to an article pointing out the violence of the extremes. You have had people condemn these extremes

What do you want?
LOL the idiots.

If you want to be a true neonazi you invite your friends at your BBQ and blast nazi marches while waving at people who look at you funny.

What do you think about white nationalists and Nazis?
Can't stand them. I grew up in a black neighborhood and my childhood friends were mostly black. They are ignorant assholes.
But nac. If a guy shoots at me or sucker punches me. I'm not gonna ask him why. I'm not gonna ask him if it's because of my color or political affiliation.

Many sides.
These are the assholes I'm supposed to tolerate walking the same streets?
No fucking way.
These assholes better stay in the shadows like the rats they are.
Can't stand them. I grew up in a black neighborhood and my childhood friends were mostly black. They are ignorant assholes. a mixed kid I've been on the receiving end of lots racial antipathy from a host of different peoples/races/ethnicities..

They were all fucking assholes.

Unfortunately, I too have used racial epithets against others different from me as well.
It will be interesting to see the year-end stats on white supremacy-related crimes.
Let me explain where I come from Nac

When I watched Rodney King get beat down I was appalled. Yes he COULD have hit a kid running from the cops in a car while drunk and high. He COULD have killed a kid. But that did not give those cops the right to take turns beating him.

That Nazi wearing that shirt is an offensive asshole. We fucking fought and many died fighting the nazis. BUT that doesn't give someone the right to beat that man up. a mixed kid I've been on the receiving end of lots racial antipathy from a host of different peoples/races/ethnicities..

They were all fucking assholes.

Unfortunately, I too have used racial epithets against others different from me as well.

I was jumped many times for just not being black. But I also had incredible black friends.

And my buddies called me Wop and kracker and I called them the worst of the worst. And we laughed
We have dozens of threads about Antifa, and violence at protests. At some point, a serious look has to be taken at the white nationalists and this story focuses on a shooting. The conversation happens on here all the time in relation to Antifa, that conversation is not lacking here. The white nationalist violence is downplayed.

and i commend you for trying to start a thread on it -- but next time state in the OP to keep it focused and dont preface your intent to "talk about the danger of political extremists"and then get mad when different extremes get brought up. Especially when the article talks about multiple incidents from multiple extremists.
Can't stand them. I grew up in a black neighborhood and my childhood friends were mostly black. They are ignorant assholes.

I agree, and just like Antifa, there is a growing number of them rallying around a doofus folk hero in Spencer, and they are becoming more and more violent.

But when Antifa is brought up, it seems like most people call them out for what they are. When Nazis are brought up, this forum seems to downplay them. Within a few posts, somebody is saying, "It was only like 50 guys!!" or they turn the conversation into one about Antifa, or Nazi-punching. That is what happened here.

A conversation needs to happen about the extremism on both sides. But the conversation has to be just as harsh on these white nationalists as it is on anybody else. For some reason, guys here downplay the danger associated with them. We've already seen somebody killed at a rally, we just saw an attempted shooting at a rally, and we've seen mass murder at the hands of a white supremacist at a church. We need to be able to address this stuff without the conversation always turning into an attempt at equivalency only when Nazis are brought up.

Like I said, you won't see me talking about Nazis in a thread about violence from Antifa. I do think it minimalizes what happened when you immediately call an attempted murderer "dumb" just like a guy who punched somebody.

But nac. If a guy shoots at me or sucker punches me. I'm not gonna ask him why. I'm not gonna ask him if it's because of my color or political affiliation.


I think this is a huge moral false equivalency. Shooting somebody is not the same as punching them, and the two things should not be brought up under the huge umbrella of, "Well, they are both wrong." That is my opinion on that, and it does not matter what the sides are, I would say the same thing.

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