Student editor fired from university for saying "women don't have penises"


Jul 11, 2017
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He is wrong though, SJW's dick measure all the time to be the most liberal possible. And by the sounds of this they just added a few inches each.
This shit is getting so ridiculous. I’m glad he didn’t relent or apologize though.

It’s amazing that there are some topics which we can’t even debate or intellectually delve into anymore. You HAVE to accept them as fact or face social consequences. The irony is that the dude is/was a philosophy and pych major, of which college programs teaching these subjects are usually grounded in attempting to make sense of topics like this.
Just look at the name of the journal he was editor for, "Critique." I'd venture a guess that the journal is a postmodern critical theory type rag. Biological reality means less than intersectionality in the world of postmodern critical theory. But I may be reading too much into the name.
If someone from 1999 created a time machine and traveled to today and asked:

"So, do we survive after y2k? Do we still have Napster? What's 2018 like?"

I would wordlessly hold up this article.
He needs to visit Brazil ot Thailand.
If someone from 1999 created a time machine and traveled to today and asked:

"So, do we survive after y2k? Do we still have Napster? What's 2018 like?"

I would wordlessly hold up this article.

Lol. 2 decades sure did change a lot.
News to should see some of the girls in NY, you would swear they had penises...
forced to resign from the free speech society....
Even as a dude who's into pre-ops I think this gaystapo shit is embarrassing
Lumping women and penis together in a sentence despite using "not" in it still illicit negative imagery.

It's a reason why "Your mom is not a whore" while is logically a very sound statement to make, but not very many people is pleased to have someone said it to them.
i'm actually surprised they haven't jumped on Anorexics and Bulemics for being fatshamers
I think the new predator movie is factual ..

They really are coming for autistic spinal fluid ..
Screen shot 2018-09-21 at 1.44.56 PM.png

So this dude is not only making up his own facts but he's not even going to listen to any dissenting opinion. This dude might as well change his name to "Lloyd Christmas"

I studied gender studies and human biology, so I have come to the same conclusion that women don't have penises as well but probably have a huge clitoris instead of a penis.
Just look at the name of the journal he was editor for, "Critique." I'd venture a guess that the journal is a postmodern critical theory type rag. Biological reality means less than intersectionality in the world of postmodern critical theory. But I may be reading too much into the name.

Looks like a perfectly interesting journal -