Stand-up Comics who angered audiences

In the jre recently he told a story about a comedian making a joke about a plane crash and one of the members of audience told that his wife was on the plane. So the comedian told him:"we should dig her up and fuck her". Freaking hilarious xd. joe and the guest both agreed that the comedian had no choice, othervise the whole mood etc would have been ruined. And I have to agree
I much prefer when celebs/comedians shout racial slurs at the audience.
I've never seen any of Dice Clay's stand-up. I did see his appearance on Rogan's podcast along with Joey Diaz.

I remember him being painfully unfunny and unwilling to stfu so someone else could talk.
Shut up snapper head.
A good joke about one's religion or 9/11 usually gets the job done.
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The fact that Cosby turned out to be a rapist makes me wonder what skeletons are in the closets of other so called clean comics? Does Seinfeld fuck 13 year olds? Has Jim Gaffigan murdered someone?

Well his wife (Seinfeld) was like 16 when they started dating so......
I'm sure there is some state in this country where 16 is the age of consent
Probably, but a lot of people would still find a 40 year old dating a 16 year old pretty gross.
Going to see Jim Jefferies in a few minutes.. I'll be disappointment if he didn't offend some group tonight.