Someone might have existed in 2000 B.C. that was the GOAT?

I never said space wasn't real just that we cant go into it , i own a telescope , i have a question for you . When you look through your telescope do you see a huge rock or a ball of light ? Same as sattelites do you see a box with wings or a ball of light ? Wheres all the spce debris when you watch a live feed from the iss ? Why can you not find a single real picture of a sattelite in space ? Every single thing that they say comes from space can be done with ground based tech thats fact .
Maybe cause the sun is shinning on them? How can cellular phones or GPS work without sattelites? Please explain your "facts" that this can be achieved without sattelites?
I am not a flat earther although they have a few good questions , as in why is it when you send amateur ballons up to 128,000 feet theres no curve at all , but when nasa a govt run company sends up anything you see it at around 30,000 thats a real good question . Or how do they tell the temps in the thermosphere which can get higher than 4000 degrees in temps they say . All metals and wiring would fucking melt , they say because air molucules are so thin , but if that were true then they couldnt gage the temps . So maybe the worlds bigger than we know and they are hoarding resorces . Did you know we were supposed to run out of oil by now ? Or that manhatten was supposed to be under water now ? Think for yourself , you know nothing but what you are told and taught its called indoctranation .
Lol, what you are told is BS, and where is your proof for all that you just said?