Sexy Cartoon or Fictional Characters


I'm a simple man with simple taste
Anyone remember the old school Marvel comics Swimsuit edition?

Here are 3 fictional cartoons (lol) I would insta bang in real life. Well if they were real. Lol

No ones hotter than Rogue and Psylocke



Plus Jessica Rabbit would get teh butt sex then titty banged until the cows came home.

I'm kind of impressed (saddened) that there are so many other Sherbros besides me who perved on cartoons growing up.
Lois Griffin

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Marge Simpson


Carmen Sandiego

The mom from Family Guy. Any tran pararam trannies too!

@pcptornado Looks like your next vs. poll is somewhere in this thread.




Josey and The Pussycats

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You know, tbh I always found Jessica rabbit kinda freaky looking. Def not my thing.

Then who was it, Heidi klum? Or somebody, dressed as her for Halloween. Was creepy as fuck lol
I've always held a grudge towards Jessica for implanting in my mind at such a young age how much I love big titted red heads. Cause girls like that are just everywhere!
Two weeks ago I passed a kidney stone and missed almost a week of work. To pass the days away while I lay in bed all fucked up on oxycodone I watched classic ninja turtles episodes (the original 1987-199? Version) on YouTube for a trip down memory lane. And I must say, they really made April O'Neil sultry. Dat ass. Those tits. Those hips. That zipper pulled down low on her jacket with apparently no top on underneath. Shit son... I had forgotten she was a true cartoon manhatten dime.












For you Jessica Rabbit lovers, there's a HUGE issue with her cosplay
1. she's done by ya ya han, who is she? some asian bitch with triple d implants and is touted as the queen of cosplay, i don't like the way she looks nor do i like her cosplays, HOWEVER since shes the queen, others emulate her more than the source character.
2. She hard to Cosplay, since you have to have the genetics of Jennifer Love Hewit, usually it'll be big boobs, ugly face or big boobs or fat, hard to get the trifecta.
3. guess what she's also a cabaret singer, guess who loves to cosplay cabaret singers, yup trannies, lots and lots of trannies, since they seem to capitalize on those types of singers, you've been warned!!!

on that note, you're welcome


I used to always say to each his own. But now in starting to wonder if we went overboard to that. All this cartoon porn is weird af.
I used to always say to each his own. But now in starting to wonder if we went overboard to that. All this cartoon porn is weird af.
Don't fight it...just embrace it

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I used to always say to each his own. But now in starting to wonder if we went overboard to that. All this cartoon porn is weird af.
you can justify yourself by thinking that the artists who draw this stuff are other men sitting at their desks drawing out their fantasies, you're basically jackin it to the creation of some guys mind.

which is why cosplay!, i'm the good guy.
you can justify yourself by thinking that the artists who draw this stuff are other men sitting at their desks drawing out their fantasies, you're basically jackin it to the creation of some guys mind.

which is why cosplay!, i'm the good guy.

I get that. And the pics are insane. Maybe that's why guys are into insane dimensions on women...but not very realistic. Cosplay I get.....