Sedating lobsters with cannabis before boiling alive.

What if it just makes the lobsters feel more paranoid?
I've always thought dropping an animal into boiling water is barbaric. If you're not sure if something like a lobster can feel pain or not, why not err on the side of caution?
Don't understand why this place is asking customers if they want their lobster to be sedated or not sedated before being boiled alive. There shouldn't be a choice.

I can taste the pain, and it is delicious.
I've smoked marijuana my whole life and never felt any pain relief from it of any kind. It's funny to me how some people think weed makes you numb or intoxicated/drunk or dizzy, it's nothing at all like that, weed has about as much effect on pain and intoxicates or sedates you about as much or less than smoking a cigarette.
for sure daily smoker myself... if anything weed amplifies the pain
Might as well get high before the water temperature gets high.
This makes no sense to me..

Most restaurants use a knife to stab the brain and cut the head in half before tossing it into boiling water..

Waste of weed imo
I thought the most humane to boil a lobster was to put it in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to boiling.
I don't understand the need of boiling them alive. From what I understand, dead lobsters quickly attract a dangerous bacteria that makes it very dangerous for a human to consume lobster that has been contaminated with it, hence, as a precaution, most places keep the lobster alive and boil it just before serving, to avoid contamination and neutralize the bacteria through boiling.

But the thing is that, if you kill it right before you eat it then there's no time for the bacteria to get on it and to do its thing (supposedly it takes a few hours for the bacteria to proliferate), that's the purpose of keeping it alive. So then why boil it? I don't know, it just doesn't make sense to me.

It should be pointed out though, that the jury is still out in terms of establishing if lobsters feel pain or not. No one knows for sure, but a lot of scientist lean towards lobsters not feeling pain since their brains are very simple and underdeveloped.
I've smoked marijuana my whole life and never felt any pain relief from it of any kind. It's funny to me how some people think weed makes you numb or intoxicated/drunk or dizzy, it's nothing at all like that, weed has about as much effect on pain and intoxicates or sedates you about as much or less than smoking a cigarette.
Wrong. It definitely reduces mild pains and aches. Stop smoking shitty weed.
Do it the cantonese way. Just dispatch animal quickly, chop into little pieces. Rinse off a little. Toss with some cornstarch. Slice up some ginger, garlic, chinese onions. Put oil in wok, heat up, drop in garlic, ginger, chinese onions, I like to throw in some soy sauce. Then throw in lobster pieces. Keep cooking till it looks finished. Oh yeh and stir it around some.
Shheeeiiittt.. came for the cannibis, left feeling hungry! Now off to Red Lobster I go lol
Wrong. It definitely reduces mild pains and aches. Stop smoking shitty weed.

I've worked construction my whole life in Texas heat and fought 9 MMA fights some of them with broken nose/ribs, what you and I consider "pain" is probably different.
It affects every person's nervous system differently. Can provide pain relief to some, whIle providing none to other people. Arguing about it is like arguing about whether a food tastes good.

As far as lobsters go, it hasn't been proven that they have cannabinoid receptors in their brains, so.....
i usually give my lobsters some ayahuasca or peyote before brutally murdering them