Ronda Rousey Surfaces At Vegas Gun Store ... Applies For Concealed Permit

Breaking news: we don't give a fook

rumor: she also purchased a trailer and a can of dip
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holy shit she is a real person too? fucking crazy!

next you'll tell me she shops and buys milk now and again.
I don't think she's stable enough to own a firearm. She really seems like the murder suicide type(seriously no pun intended)
Omg Ronda sighting now days are all breaking news like is big foot sighting or something. She's a bit scared after her home was vandalised gun would probably be an ideal home defences since she just found out she really can't fight.
Well in fairness, since Holly stole her soul, Ronda sightings are in fewer number than Bigfoot sightings <{ByeHomer}>
She openly talked about committing suicide after her first loss and now she has been knocked silly again.

Is it really safe to give such a person a weapon. She doesn't sound stable by her own words...
I really hope she wont do something harmful to herself or others
Travis better quickly perform his part for the baby order. Cause it seems the way its going, he'll soon have trouble being open for business. Ronda doesnt seem to concerned with taking care of herself.
Lol travis footwork deteriorated to the point where he doesn't even know how to walk away from that spoiled brat.
Seems like a private matter. Those witnesses should learn to keep their mouths shut.
the only way she'll get some shots in.
I think it has to do with her house being tagged with graffiti, they're probably both packing heat now and will blast anyone on the property. Inb4 tragic accident where one mistakes the other for a burglar.