Romero corrects his translator during the interview


Brown Belt
Dec 24, 2016
Reaction score

Romero is alpha as fuck lmao
If only other nonenglish speaking fighters were like that
Cliffs:Questioner asks how does Romero feel about Rockhold's comments on his cardio
Where's that other translator at? I mean the Official Yoel Romero Translator. The jacked, long-haired gangsta.

Romero is alpha as fuck lmao
If only other nonenglish speaking fighters were like that
Cliffs:Questioner asks how does Romero feel about Rockhold's comments on his cardio

So Romero admits that he is David and Luke is Goliath? Not so Alpha to me.
after that whole gay jesus debacle, i don't blame him.
Who the fuck is that guy?

We don't need him. We need The OG, Ray The Translator.

Romero is alpha as fuck lmao
If only other nonenglish speaking fighters were like that
Cliffs:Questioner asks how does Romero feel about Rockhold's comments on his cardio

"I didn't mean to say VOID, I meant to say Roid".{<redford}
Where the fuck is Evil Shawn Michaels when you need him?