Robert O'Neill, the SEAL who killed Bin Laden, calls Trump's military parade "third world BS"

Nobody would be worried about Russia or North Korea, if they didn't have a population which can be mobilized for a military campaign.

That's what the military march is all about. It is no surprise that the countries most capable of utilizing aggression against others, have gone down in history for displaying a legendary amount of military jingoism, with all of the symbolism, war deification, parading involved with that. Look no further than the Nazis, and the mere fact that people are still using them to point out to the dangers of any over displays of nationalism. Any time someone creates a symbol around their movement, starts marching in unison, singing military songs deifying war heroism, and waving flags, the Nazi card is quickly brought to the table. For a reason, to an extent.

Clearly, military parades are seen as a threat by many of the intellectuals, atleast, which is why they must constantly shun and discredit them, often by insulting the intelligence of the people involved.

The truth is that the military march has a much deeper meaning to the nation than what is being given credit here, but since it serves the agenda of many of the people here, to not give it that credit, having any kind of a legitimate debate over it is pointless. It's just inevitably going to devolve into a game of calling military parades "dumb", hurr durr, so that the plebs can feel like they've done their good job for the day, by sustaining some social pressure against the evil dudes in uniforms, in their social media feedback loops. That's their given task in the context of the modern society. It's just that I personally have no care to take part in that.

In reality, all of that, the boasts, the threats, the provocations, are all tied into one package of militarism, that has been found effective for centuries, in which no part can truly be separated from the other.

A country incapable of bringing the population together to celeberate a military march, is a country that is likely incapable of taking any military action. It would be foolish to downplay the implications. Back when America was more capable of utilizing indiscriminate military power against others, and standing united behind their leadership, bringing the people together for a march wouldn't have even been a question. I'm not saying that this was automatically good, or bad, I'm just saying that that's what it was.

It's odd to see you talk about how it supports nationalism in their own country when you on the first page wrote that nobody actually thinks that these parades are intended for the domestic populations.

But I agree with your current statement, it has more to do with trying to create nationalistic pride, etc. I still reject the notion that anyone is afraid of that a country has some parades. There's nothing a parade is showing that potential enemies doesn't already know. What matters are the political relationships between nations and the willingness of one side to provoke and threat the other. Parades play no relevant part there.

The US hasn't had any military marches, yet they have been extremely military active around the world, so clearly they don't need to have their soldiers prance around some streets to show that. North Korea has plenty of marches but no one takes them seriously in that they would actually launch soldiers against any other country. The only reason they have been talked about as a threat is their nuclear weapons program and extremely provocative statements, and the reasons they might want to show other countries military marches is because they are desperate to show NK as organized and thriving, although no one is buying that. And why would anyone care if Russia has parades or not when they've actually taken Crimea?

Countries can have whatever parades they want, but in most cases a military one won't have any effect on any other country.
Wasn't this dude essentially blacklisted by active duty SEALs for writing his book?
Different guy, but still yes
So the dude that wrote the book was lying? Cause wasn't the dude that wrote the book then one that was on all the news shows like 6 months after it happened?

I get now why so many of my friends that were Marine and Army hate SEALs.
So the dude that wrote the book was lying? Cause wasn't the dude that wrote the book then one that was on all the news shows like 6 months after it happened?

I get now why so many of my friends that were Marine and Army hate SEALs.
The guy who wrote the book was Matt Bissonnette. O'Neill was the one who shot UBL, did the interview with Esquire, and then became a Fox News talking head. Both were SEALs in DEVGRU, and both went public. Now, both are blackballed.

We hate SEALs for a lot of reasons. The need for books and movie deals is one reason. I also think they are entirely overrated, but that's another point of discussion.
The guy who wrote the book was Matt Bissonnette. O'Neill was the one who shot UBL, did the interview with Esquire, and then became a Fox News talking head. Both were SEALs in DEVGRU, and both went public. Now, both are blackballed.

We hate SEALs for a lot of reasons. The need for books and movie deals is one reason. I also think they are entirely overrated, but that's another point of discussion.
There's something to be said for that "Quiet Professional" saying/motto the Rangers have.
There's something to be said for that "Quiet Professional" saying/motto the Rangers have.
It's a lot more than just the Rangers that use it. It's the whole SOF community. Rangers can keep their RLTW and Sua Sponte stuff. That's theirs.
He is saying they have parades because they aren't the big dog on the block. They are posturing whereas as the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world we don't have to.

They're like the Chihuahua barking all the time trying to project that he's tough while a big dog ignores it. The loudmouth in the bar that gets knocked out by the silent guy.
Your hunch is wrong, sorry. I've never been to America, and don't plan on ever going there, either.

Call me suspicious but the quality of your written English makes me doubt your claim.

If I'm really wrong take it as a compliment I guess.
What is 3rd world is the worshipping of the military. We see it here again. Like this guy's opinion means anything. I am so sick of, "thank you for your service."
It’s a question of values. At what point does the money outweigh your honor and integrity? And after 3-4 years, he would have gotten a pension and benefits for life. So it’s not a terrible deal if he chooses the former.

You tried to send kids through school on honor and a pension? I'm guessing he's already made several fold more on his book and tv gigs.
You tried to send kids through school on honor and a pension? I'm guessing he's already made several fold more on his book and tv gigs.
One of his brethren, Matt Bissonnette (author of No Easy Day), just had to forfeit all his earnings for the book he wrote.

O'Neill, to the best of my knowledge, has not had any legal troubles due to disclosures. But he has lost all the camaraderie he developed over the years as a SEAL. He sold out the principles of that community, so that's his choice.
What is 3rd world is the worshipping of the military. We see it here again. Like this guy's opinion means anything. I am so sick of, "thank you for your service."

Larry David agrees:

They're like the Chihuahua barking all the time trying to project that he's tough while a big dog ignores it. The loudmouth in the bar that gets knocked out by the silent guy.

Many loudmouths and braggarts can actually back it up though. The quiet guy in the bar is often a myth.

A few obvious examples. Ali and Conor. Ali talked tons of shit but worked as hard as anybody. He put the silent giant Foreman away.

Ali was being counted out and said this before the fight:

“You told everybody I don't have a chance. You told 'em I don't have nothing but a prayer. Chump, all I need is a prayer because if that prayer reaches the right man, not only will George Foreman fall, mountains will fall!”

And Foreman did fuckin fall.
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This country needs a shot of patriotism.
I'm wondering if Trump will wear his dress blues from his military h.s. days.

America's wars of aggression are what is truthfully "third world shit".

A military parade is a defensive action, a message of "look at how strong we are, don't fuck with us", which is surely why it doesn't appeal to this Navy SEAL. He just want to go out there and randomly kill some more third worlders, with a surprise attack, after playing the pacifist card for a couple of more years.

America needs to learn how to "carry a big stick" once again, instead of looking like a bunch of pussies after their wars, pretending that they're pacifist, then going full crazy with a massive invasion again, to save face.

Crazies like Osama Bin Laden would've been kept in check if he hadn't come to think that America had turned weak and flaccid. A couple of military parades and some tough-talk on the part of the President, goes a long way into solving that problem. That's mostly what is enough to keep third world bandit groups like ISIS from forming. If they had known in the first place that they were going to be squashed like a bug, you would've never even heard of them.

/s ?

OBL attached knowing for the price of pilot training for a few hijackers he could get the us into a many years long very costly drawn out conflict due to the heavy response of the military and at the same time let us galvanize Muslim world opinion against us due to our on actions.

If you think a parade would have scared him away, I'm not saying you are a retard, but that is something a retard might think.
Fuck him. I always wished we had those parades. I would've jumped at the opportunity .

Plus I need pics to prove that ginger :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: killed Bin Laden. I'm not taking their word.

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