Richard Dawkins is gutless!


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2013
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Dawkins is a gutless Pommie bastard who has buckled because of the Left's pressure.

He was booked to appear on a current affairs show tonight but was told to bugger off.
Less than 2 hrs before appearing the host got a number of messages from the publicist of Dawkins with a number of demands including:

He would not talk about Islam. This also had a quote from Dawkins himself stating he would not appear if he was to be asked about the religion.
This is strange because he has stated that Islam is the most dangerous religion in the world, so getting questions about the subject should be expected.

He didn't want to be asked to compare Islam to Christianity either.

He did not want to be asked about Lawrence Kraus either.

He did not want to be asked about why he shouldn't be asked about these things either!

He is on a tour down here and lately he has come under fire for saying bad stuff about Islam in America. Obviously the social media from the Left has gone beserk about these comments which is weird because he's been moaning about the religion for years.
Apparently sponsers of the tour have been pulling out because of pressure from the Left. [Once a sponser buckles the blackmailers get their reward and will do it again and again in the future.]
So it seems in the end it's the numbers of books sold and the number of bums on seats on his tours that are the most important thing to him.

Now if these demand were REALLY from Dawkins and his publisher then i am shocked, and have lost a lot of respect for the guy. Of all people, i never thought he'd give in to this type of thing, he always came across as courageous, Christopher Hitchens certainly would never cave in.

Dawkins has discovered there is no such thing as freedom of speech anymore.
You don't seem to understand what freedom of speech means.

Anyways, the guy is putting his most marketable foot forward and realizes the volatility, and perhaps even the internal spuriousness, of politicizing religion and especially of allowing laymen to dictate the terms of the conversation and get you to say things you might otherwise veer away from.

Anyways, there were a couple things Dawkins said (in passing, not in actual speeches or books) on the topic of Islam that gave pause, but he's certainly not malicious and he certainly is self-critical. He's also completely deserving of everyone's respect.
Richard Dawkins had a stroke in 2016 and is toning down his talks to be less strenuous.
Ray Comfort and Ravi Zacharias are evangelicals and therefore are not worth anybody's time and effort to debate.
Dawkins is an idiot.

You don't seem to understand what freedom of speech means.

Anyways, the guy is putting his most marketable foot forward and realizes the volatility, and perhaps even the internal spuriousness, of politicizing religion and especially of allowing laymen to dictate the terms of the conversation and get you to say things you might otherwise veer away from.

Anyways, there were a couple things Dawkins said (in passing, not in actual speeches or books) on the topic of Islam that gave pause, but he's certainly not malicious and he certainly is self-critical. He's also completely deserving of everyone's respect.

Aren’t you supposed to be Christian?
Wtf? I think Dawkins has spent enough time talking about religion to maintain his credibility after turning down an offer to talk about it!
Liberals don't have a sense of humor, so they never laugh. It's a sad life.

Lol they don’t? Most comedians and filmmakers arent far right conservatives. At least the great ones. Larry David, Mel brooks, Reiner, the list is endless.

If anything liberals have a far better sense of humor than conservatives.
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Lol they don’t? Most comedians and filmmakers are far right conservatives. At least the great ones. Larry David, Mel brooks, Reiner, the list is endless.

If anything liberals have a far better sense of humor than conservatives.
The far left have become as insufferable as the Bible thumping far right conservatives and have easily dethroned them as the biggest buzz kills of the decade.

Like remember the time you said Americanized chinese food is the perfect example of white privilege? Your freinds (if you have any.....let's be real you don't) must never invite you out to any ethnic food outings. You are probably the worst person at a Chinese buffet.
RIP Skater living rent free in all your heads long after he’s gone.