PWD 527: A New Year of Debauchery

How drunk will you be for New Years?

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I was there the night he won WW3 and the title. He jobbed to Luger earlier in the night to a rest hold.

You know what is even more disrespectful? He doesn't even have an emoji on Sherdog.
Will you partake in roman greens, though?
No. Also never do Roman Greene’s two days in a row. I also had a decent amount of Roman yesterday. I don’t drink without Roman and vice versa
You know what is even more disrespectful? He doesn't even have an emoji on Sherdog.
No. Also never do Roman Greene’s two days in a row. I also had a decent amount of Roman yesterday. I don’t drink without Roman and vice versa

I know why, you need the alcohol effects to balance the roman and vice versa. Too much of either and you don't like the high.

I'm going to be a dirt merchant scientist, brother.

Liz was messing with Hogan for years before WCW. There is a reason Randy locked her up and hated Hogan.
Anyone else sickfor New Years?

Fucking sucks.
Crap on a cracker, LTR wanted to watch a Nitro with the nWo and I picked the goddamn one where Jeff Shitneck Jarrett shows up. Fuck this guy in the neck.
That sucks. Me and LTR both had strep the week before Christmas.

Damn, both you guys being sick was probably real shitty.

We got lucky and once we were better our boys got sick so at least we were better to take care of them.
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