Prazeres at 187 lbs hours after weigh-in

Its not easy to do which is why guys used IV's. The problem is compounded by the fact the human body can only retain a certain amount of water per hour, believe its around 1 liter. So you have to drink continuously for many hours because your body will expel a lot of the water in your urine. In other words, if you need to hydrate a gallon, which is 8 pounds, then you have to drink more than a gallon to do it.

No one rehydrates using water. That would be asking for trouble.
No one rehydrates using water. That would be asking for trouble.

I don't literally mean water from a garden hose. I'm talking about fluids and the bodies ability to absorb fluids. Its measured by hour.
If he wants to kill himself, more power to him. But he missed weight, so fuck him.

BTW, why is your website named "ENT Imports"? It's a horrible name for a site about MMA (and apparently skating). It doesn't conjure MMA (or skating) in the mind of the reader. It sounds like you hawk shitty Chinese products, like "Oriental Trading Company" or some crap like that. Even Vandalay Industries would be a better name for an MMA news site.
Just changed my Tapology. You gotta be fucking kidding me, man.
He will gas by the end of round 1. If he doesn't finish this fight in the first round he is going to get finished.

Very likely, but I'm talking about long term health. Repeated extreme weight cuts are bound to damage your hormonal system and internal organs.