Questions to ask about your relationship.


Sgt Sprinkles
Oct 11, 2012
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5 questions, the answers give you some insight as to whether your relationship is in a good place or not. I liked this, thought I'd share.

If someone told you, you are a lot like your partner would you be pleased?

Are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?

Are you able to be unapologetically yourself or do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?

Are you in love with your partner right now as a whole, or are you only in love with their good side, potential or the idea of them?

Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?
It’s a good list of questions one should ask of themselves every so often. We get stuck in routines so easily, that it isn’t hard to never truly think about it.

Though it sucks too. I asked myself the same not too long ago, and had to leave my recent loved one because of the answers. I would recommend only asking or thinking about these questions with a clear mind. Definitely not when you are in a troubled state of mind. That can leak through and undermine your reasoning skills.
Depends on what they meant. My wife has many sides to her.

Not sure what "truly fulfilled" means. I love my wife but to be truly fulfilled I feel like it takes more than just having a wife you love.

This question isn't realistic IMO. Did you get these questions from a women's magazine\site? Who can 100% be themselves in a relationship and never have any regrets? We all make mistakes and every relationship that goes on long enough will have both partners at one point or another regretting their actions.

Yes I 100% love my partner as she is now.

Yes I would.

Overall questions are ok. 2 and 3 IMO aren't good questions. They are the kind of questions that my wife loves to ask that aren't realistic.
If someone told you, you are a lot like your partner would you be pleased?

Yes I'd be pleased.

Are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?

It's only been 5 months but oddly enough it actually feels like she has always been there, if that's fulfillment? I'm definitely not with her through fear of loneliness and I'm very capable of bouncing back from most things.

Are you able to be unapologetically yourself or do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?

I'm my authentic self yes, that's something I've always tried to be.

Are you in love with your partner right now as a whole, or are you only in love with their good side, potential or the idea of them?

I'm in love with the person that's in front of me as a whole and I've learnt from my past mistakes, time will tell, if they're truly authentic but things are looking good so far.

Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?

Oh definitely, good moral compass, accountable, respectful, strong family values and still knows how to have fun, also financially savvy.
5 questions, the answers give you some insight as to whether your relationship is in a good place or not. I liked this, thought I'd share.

If someone told you, you are a lot like your partner would you be pleased?

Are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?

Are you able to be unapologetically yourself or do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?

Are you in love with your partner right now as a whole, or are you only in love with their good side, potential or the idea of them?

Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?
1.) I wouldn't be displeased, but we are vastly different so that wouldn't happen lol.

2.) I am truly fulfilled, and also less lonely lol.

3.) Absolutely, and I have never been anything but myself...I think that's what she likes about me...but who knows what she really likes about me, she IS A WOMAN afterall lol.

4.) Im fully in love with my wife and her bad sides are nominal so her good well outweighs the bad.

5.) If I had a kid and he dated someone like my wife, I would tell them to hold on to them because you seriously don't find people like that very often at all.
My wife is a genuinely good person....very little baggage.
5 questions, the answers give you some insight as to whether your relationship is in a good place or not. I liked this, thought I'd share.

If someone told you, you are a lot like your partner would you be pleased?

Are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?

Are you able to be unapologetically yourself or do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?

Are you in love with your partner right now as a whole, or are you only in love with their good side, potential or the idea of them?

Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?

This post ruined my day

But this one saved it!