Power Physique

7 lbs of eating? I'd give you a high five, but I know you've worked hard to get to where you are. Also noods are splooge-tastic, bro!
Post-Binge Workout
Bench (Feet on bench)

3 x 12 x 135lbs

3 x 10 x 135lbs

OH Press
3 x 8 x 75lbs

3 x 10 x 95lbs

BO Rows
3 x 10 x 95lbs

Lat Pulldowns
3 x 12 x 70lbs

BB Curls
3 x 13 x 40lbs

DB Side Delts
3 x 10 x 15lbs

Cable Upright Rows
3 x 12 x 30lbs

Officially decided not to compete. There's a million thing I could say but I'm not one to make excuses. Timing wasn't right, I'll be back.

I feel so much more relaxed now. I got a little bit of fat on my frame, and I just feel like lifting heavy. I can't though, because the doc said no inter abdominal pressure for a while to ensure the hernia heals properly. I can still go to the gym, but I can't go all out.

Really bad luck mate. What's next?

Keep on going to the gym and having fun with it. I want to take a looser approach for the time being. Between work, school, and other stuff, training is a way for me to let go. It's something I enjoy. I don't want to have a stress factor in there, it's supposed to be a stress reliever to begin with...

Ah mate, that's shit.

It's for the best! How was your binge post-competition?? The pictures looked great, zyzz worthy. Nothing wrong with the posing.

7 lbs of eating? I'd give you a high five, but I know you've worked hard to get to where you are. Also noods are splooge-tastic, bro!

Make it 16lbs now, haha! High five all you want, I'm kind of proud of it and I feel so much better.

Here is a recap of the events. Just look at my face, I looked like a vampire on the left, so drained.

The week off and binge eating has been good. I actually think I looked better about two days after the competition after stuffing my face with shit.

Looking good though, mate.
Random Training Cycle - Week 1
DB Bench Press

3 x 10 x 60 lbs
3 x 10 x 50 lbs

DB Skullcrushers
3 x 10 x 25 lbs

Arnold Press
3 x 10 x 20 lbs

DB Side Delts - Thumbs Down
3 x 10 x 10 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 190.0 lbs

I feel better than ever. That comp event doesn't negatively affect me at all. Besides, how can I convey this when I shrink down to 170.0 lbs and put hand on the hip:

Random Training Cycle
Leg Press

3 x 10 x 360 lbs
3 x 13 x 270 lbs

Calf Raises - Leg Press
3 x 13 x 270 lbs

Leg Curls
3 x 10 x 115 lbs
3 x 10 x 100 lbs

Leg Extensions
3 x 12 x 100 lbs

Calf Raises - Standing
3 x 10 x 190 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 189.6 lbs

Great leg pump. Focus is on quality reps; full range of motion with a pause top and bottom, engaging the muscle, and a slow eccentric.

Training Cycle - Week 1
Chin-Ups Wide Grip

3 x 5 x bw
3 x 4 x bw

Lat Pulldowns

3 x 10 x 100 lbs
3 x 10 x 85 lbs

Seated Cable Rows

3 x 10 x 100 lbs
3 x 10 x 85 lbs

Facepulls + EZ Curls Superset

3 x 10+15 x 30+45 lbs

Rush workout. Only had 30 min. but there was no way I was skipping.

Random Training Cycle
OH Press

3 x 10 x 85 lbs

Standing French Press
3 x 10 x 45 lbs

BB Upright Rows
3 x 10 x 55 lbs

Cable Flys Shoulder Heigth
3 x 10 x 17.5 lbs

Cable Pushdowns - Reverse Grip
3 x 15 x 27.5 lbs

One Arm Cable Pushdowns
3 x 10 x 12.5 lbs

Shrugs Machine
3 x 10 x 90 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 189.8 lbs

190 is definitely my anchor weight right now.

Great pump. Seems light, but I'm going to add 5pounds per week and a full set per exercise.
Again, focus on high quality, controlled rep, with slow eccentric.

Random Training Cycle
Chin Ups (Neutral Grip) + Lunges Superset

3 x 8+15 x bw

Chin ups (Inside Grip) + Squats Superset
3 x 8+20 x bw

Hammer Curls + Single Calf Raises Superset
3 x 15+20 x 20 lbs

TFW half way to the gym you realize it's closed, and the pre-workout shake is also half-way down...

Worked out at home, and I had tickets for the Oilers Game, in the new Arena! The arena is fcking amazing. There's quite a bit of exposed structural steel, which is my scope of work. Also, the architecture is beautiful; a lot of different elevations, different materilas, both curves and straight lines. I'm really impressed.

I left before the third period though. I haven't been this excited for a fight in a LONNNNNG Time, Bisping gonna learn today!
Random Training Cycle - Week 2
DB Bench Press
4 x 10 & 13 x 65 lbs
4 x 10 & 13 x 55 lbs

DB Skullcrushers/JM Press

4 x 10 & 13 x 27.5 lbs

Arnold Press

4 x 10 & 13 x 22.5 lbs

DB Side Delts (Thumbs Down) + Hammer Curls Superset

4 x 10 & 13 x 12.5 + 22.5 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 191.2 lbs

Doing an "AMRAP" style set all across on the last sets.
Random Training Cycle - Week 2
Leg Press

4 x 10 & 13 x 480 lbs
4 x 13 & 16 x 290 lbs

Standing Calf Raises

4 x 10 x 195 lbs
4 x 10 x 135 lbs

Chin-Ups - Wide Grip

5 x 4 x bw
4 x 4 x bw

BO Rows

2 x 10 x 95 lbs
3 x 10 x 115 lbs

Lat Pulldowns - Normal Grip

4 x 10 x 110 lbs
4 x 10 x 95 lbs

Seated Cable Rows

4 x 10 x 110 lbs
4 x 10 x 95 lbs

Face Pulls
4 x 10 & 15 x 32.5 lbs

Had a redbull instead of pre-workout, felt way better.

Random Training Cycle - Week 2
OH Press

4 x 10 & 13 x 95 lbs

Standing French Press

4 x 10 & 13 x 55 lbs

BB Upright Rows (Close Grip)

4 x 10 & 13 x 65 lbs

Cable Flys (Shoulder Heigth)

4 x 10 & 13 x 22.5 lbs

Cable Pushdowns (Reverse Grip)

4 x 15 & 18 x 32.5 lbs

BB Shrugs

4 x 10 & 13 x 135 lbs

One Arm Cable Pushdowns

4 x 10 x 17.5 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 193.8 lbs


50 Min.

BW Morning: 195.4 lbs

Saw a post on IG about arm size and it got me wondering. Officially 16" now.


Random Training Cycle - Week 3
DB Bench Press

5 x 10 x 70 lbs
5 x 10 x 60 lbs

DB JM Press

5 x 10 x 30 lbs

Arnold Press

5 x 10 x 25 lbs

DB Side Delts (Thumbs Down)

5 x 10 x 15 lbs

One Arm Cable Pushdown
3 x 10 x 17.5 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 192.5 lbs

Did a full week of meal prep yesterday. Goal is to find maintenace and stay there. Not overly fat, but I'd like to improve body composition around 190 lbs.

Random Training Cycle - Week 3
Leg Press

5 x 10 x 410 lbs
5 x 10 x 320 lbs

Leg Curls
5 x 10 x 120 lbs
5 x 10 x 105 lbs

Calf Raises - Standing
5 x 10 x 200 lbs
5 x 10 x 140 lbs

BW Post-Gym: 191.0 lbs

I don't know much about weight lifting, but isn't benching 264 lbs awefully impressive considering you weigh 170?
Random Training Cycle - Week 3
Chin Ups - Wide Grip
5 x 5 x bw

5 x 4 x bw

BO Rows
4 x 10 x 125 lbs

Lat Pulldown (Dual Pulley)
2 x 10,9 x 60 lbs
3 x 10 x 50 lbs

Lat Pulldown (Single Pulley)
10 x 100 lbs
4 x 10 x 90 lbs

Seated Cable Rows
5 x 10 x 115 lbs
5 x 10 x 100 lbs

Face Pulls
5 x 10 & 15 x 35 lbs

I don't know much about weight lifting, but isn't benching 264 lbs awefully impressive considering you weigh 170?

It's really not that impressive. Most powerlifters can lift quite a bit more weight. I'm not pushing for 1RMs anymore either, so it'll probably stay there for a while.

What type of training do you do? Will you be opening a log here soon?
Random Training Cycle - Week 3
OH Press

5 x 10 x 100 lbs

Upright Rows

3 x 10 x 60 lbs

Standing French Press

5 x 10 x 60 lbs

Hammer Curls + DB Side Delts Superset

4 x 10+10 x 25+12.5 lbs

Lat Pulldowns
3 x 10 x 100 lbs

Cable Pushdowns Reverse Grip
5 x 15 x 40 lbs

Cable Flys Shoulder Height
5 x 10,10,10,10,20 x 30 lbs

One Arm Cable Pushdowns
3 x 20,18,13 x 20 lbs

Stretched something in my upper back/neck on the 4th set of OH Press. It'll probably be sore for a few days but nothing major.

Had a great workout nonetheless. Stacked my playlist with Amon Amarth, makes everyhing EPIC.

Love the drums on this one:

Dat peak doh!

Thanks! I think Biceps were always a strong point for me; I need to start ramping up the volume on Tris though.
Random Training Cycle - Week 3

45 Min + 2 Stairs

Went to a metal concert on Friday, had a blast. First band was more death/viking, but the main event was pretty much Motley Crue meets Iron Maiden:

Random Training Cycle - Week 4
DB Bench
5 x 10,10,10,10,8 x 75 lbs
5 x 9,10,9,9,9 x 65 lbs

Arnold Press
5 x 10 x 27.5 lbs

DB Skullcrusher/JM Press
5 x 12 x 32.5 lbs

DB Side Delts - Thumbs Down
5 x 10 x 20 lbs

One Arm Cable Pushdowns
4 x 10,10,9,8 x 20 lbs

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