Political Office Fire Bombed

Mr Holmes

6F 3D 3D 33
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
Guess who..

I'm not shocked this isn't being reported on very much. And its probably justified because racism.

GOP headquarters in NC town is firebombed
A county Republican headquarters in Hillsborough, N.C., was firebombed overnight Saturday, an attack that a party official called “political terrorism.”

Police said a bottle of flammable liquid was thrown through the front window of the office in Hillsborough, a town in Orange County near Raleigh.

“Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” was spray painted on the side of an adjacent building.
Black on building violence...smh
They should not have firebombed that building. It was the wrong thing to do.

Also, clearly a false flag...probably by the Russians.

yeah, I wouldn't say fire bombed even though it technical was a bomb that created a fire, that makes it sound like a fighter jet or a barrage of bombs did it like Dresden.
If the Russians bomb a building, they don't spray paint threats or insults on the walls.

Mainly because no walls are left standing:)
A taste of their own medicine... Their bigotous hate will not be tolerated any longer. The Oppressed are fighting back!
dont they know that california is going to vote democrat regardless of firebombs?
The left is the real threat to society.
Like I said in the general discussion thread: This is disgusting, I am glad no one is injured, and I hope they find the assholes responsible.
Well, it wouldn't be new for leftists to get violent against those who have a different belief system and way of life. But I'll wait a while before I believe this. Could be an inside job. The spray paint seems a little too perfect.