People who get upset about hunters yet consume animals or wear animal products bother me



So recently a hunter killed an elephant and died after the elephant fell on top of him.

Sicko liberals from liberal outlets are cheering his death and mourning the elephant.

My question is how many of these people consume animals and are okay with the slaughter of animals and of wearing animals?

It just strikes me as hypocritical unless the person is willing to get Darwinist with it and admit that an elephant is a superior animal to a chicken, cow, pig or other animals which are slaughtered in masses and are given the status of 'inferiority'. The same goes double for insects. The Cockroach is one of the most hated bugs around yet it is practically harmless and has a right to life. I have heard people say that they wish they could genocide cockroaches, spiders and mosquitoes and fly's from the face of the earth.

So now genocide of some animals is okay? If that is the case don't call yourself a liberal and don't pretend to try and care about all humans because by those same standards you should support the genocide of 'inferior' groups of human-beings.
Stfu Rogan . Go inject some more trt.

The worst is people who say "how can people kill animals" and then they go and eat a hamburger (beef burger) not veggie.

It's like shut the fuck up!!!

I could be a pescaterian easily because I am darwinist and believe and admit that land animals are superior to fish (in some ways I attribute higher value to them) and that I don't attribute as much value to fish. The way most fish are killed isn't as gory or bad from what I see as compared to say slaughtering a cow. Slaughtering a cow is infinitely more gory, bloody and disgusting as compared to slaughtering Cod or salmon and preparing salmon for a meal. Let alone doing the same to oysters or crabs.
Most liberals only stand for something until it inconveniences them.
I kill my own food and won't apologize for it.
Someone who is against hunting because its "cruel", yet consumes commercial beef, chicken, and pork is about as ironic as you can get.

I don't hunt and I find people who get super excited about hunting to be kinda psychotic and trophy hunters are cucks, but I have no issues with hunting for your food with things like deer. Its far less cruel than what goes on a large scale farm.
Someone who is against hunting because its "cruel", yet consumes commercial beef, chicken, and pork is about as ironic as you can get.

I don't hunt and I find people who get super excited about hunting to be kinda psychotic and trophy hunters are cucks, but I have no issues with hunting for your food with things like deer. Its far less cruel than what goes on a large scale farm.

I think it is a natural animal (and we humans are animals) drive to want to hunt and be outdoorsy. So yes that applies to properly killing animals for food if need be.

Trophy hunters I don't have an issue with if they are actually stocking the animal and not cage hunting them. The practice of having a lion brought to you and or shooting it when it is eating food you put out is rather sad. Much more badass if you went after it with a spear or yes gun and it was equal terrain. Or like hunting a tiger in the jungle
As long as people can't see how their meat is produced they have some sort of ironic moral superiority about shit like hunting, which is almost certainly more humane than the pork chops you bought at the supermarket.
I fill out 2 deer, an elk , and two moose tags annually for over two decades now. Love me some game meat and donate a good chunk to the food bank.

Edit: I process my own, cept donated that I just drop said carcasses off at approved locations.
I eat meat, and I have fished and hunted for food. I don't have a problem with that. I wouldn't hunt an elephant though, especially with today's massive amount of poaching. I also find the elephant too intelligent to kill. I wouldn't go whaling either, even though that can provide a lot of meat and usable products.

I don't think pheasants, deer, elk, etc, have the same level of intelligence as elephants, whales or dolphins. I also don't think that elephants, whales, or dolphins need to have their numbers thinned.
Eat animals master race crew checking in
Could kill any animal and wouldn't care crew checking in @Zookeeper Gabe
Don't though because I don't care to crew checking in
Poor bastard just wanted to eat some elephant steaks and own a nice pair of elephant skinny jeans.
Here, everyone I know hunts. I've gone a shit load of times. Nothing wrong with killing it and eating it.

What we (and other real hunters) have a problem with, are trophy hunting pussies who pay to play because it makes them feel manly and strong. These people, for the most part anyways, aren't cooking what they kill. They spend a lot of money to fly half way across the planet just so they can shoot some exotic animals and post it on facebook for the "likes", and then usually they just leave the carcass there. There isn't much honor in any of it. Now those who actually shoot to feed other villages, get rid of pests, etc. I don't have as much of a problem. But poachers are scum IMO

There's a difference between shooting and/or raising some deer, duck, cow, pig, chicken, etc. for food and resources - and shooting a fucking elephant for the lulz.
Yes, though there only a very limited number of places where they need to be hunted. Poaching is rampant in Africa.

Wow, didn't realize people ate elephants. Though i probably shouldn't be surprised as our ancestors hunted wooly mammoths.
RIP Jimmy John. I'm gonna miss your sandwiches.:(

"Sicko liberals from liberal outlets are cheering his death and mourning the elephant" is really just people enjoying delicious irony. Unlike the hunter's plans for the elephant meat, why let that go to waste?
I just don't understand how someone can find enjoyment in killing an animal.
I mean killing it as a food source is fine.
But going out and having fun doing it is something I don't understand.
Especially flying to fucking Africa for it.

Not that I think it should be illegal or anything. It's just not for me.
I eat meat, and I have fished and hunted for food. I don't have a problem with that. I wouldn't hunt an elephant though, especially with today's massive amount of poaching. I also find the elephant too intelligent to kill. I wouldn't go whaling either, even though that can provide a lot of meat and usable products.

I don't think pheasants, deer, elk, etc, have the same level of intelligence as elephants, whales or dolphins. I also don't think that elephants, whales, or dolphins need to have their numbers thinned.
Pigs are pretty damn smart animals. On par with some breed of dogs.
Pigs are pretty damn smart animals. On par with some breed of dogs.

Pigs are smart, but I'm not sure if the breeds that supply meat are smart or not. If they are they should be bred for stupidity similar to the way wild turkeys are smart, but turkeys raised for meat are impossibly stupid.