On Today’s Episode of “Is It Racist?”

Serena Williams..
Anything being critical of black people is racist. It is the bigotry of low expectations.
I dont think it is. Thats kinda what she looks like.



Should they have white washed her or something ?
I have a bigger problem with how they portray Naomi Osaka. They portray her as white, rather than Black/Asian or "Blasian."

Regarding Serena, I can definitely see how African Americans will take offense to this cartoon.

her lips are huge, and she has a big ass nose.
I don't see anything racist here. I am sure that those are who are crying racism here and in every other non-racial situation are the same hypocrites that don't speak out about the slavery of child sex trafficking and Christians that are held in slavery under Muslims in other parts of the world.
Yeah, that's pretty fucking racist.
My initial reaction was, "Why did he draw Williams as being so fat?" She's muscular as all hell, but she's not a fat person. It wasn't a fair caricature, but that wasn't racist. I didn't think the lip thing was racist on the grounds that it's a cartoon showing someone pouting, hence the pouty lip.

The white-washed Asian character is pretty difficult to defend. That was racially insensitive.
My initial reaction was, "Why did he draw Williams as being so fat?" She's muscular as all hell, but she's not a fat person. It wasn't a fair caricature, but that wasn't racist. I didn't think the lip thing was racist on the grounds that it's a cartoon showing someone pouting, hence the pouty lip.

The white-washed Asian character is pretty difficult to defend. That was racially insensitive.
yeah I was actually taken aback, she’s on roids and her physique and rage show it. To portray her as overweight was a bit much imo.
How did they white wash the Asian player? Her hair is bleached and they didn’t really draw her facial features.
Yeah, that face is certainly the same style as the old racist cartoons.
It is shame because it is otherwise a good take on the situation.
Could have just used a newer style face. But you get a lot more clicks with a racism controversy.


No its not

How is it racist.I posted her picture

She has a huge nose and lips and in the character shes making a crying face sticking it out further

Its racist only because you want to see it that way
Serena has sent Madmick's blood pressure off the charts already. Poor guy might need a defibrillator when he sees this thread. :)
No its not

How is it racist.I posted her picture

She has a huge nose and lips and in the character shes making a crying face sticking it out further

Its racist only because you want to see it that way
It's a straight lift from the old blackface, and African caricatures of days gone by. It's definitely racist in intent, and execution.
If it’s a caricature, facial features are supposed to be exaggerated. Naturally this was spun the wrong way and everyone thinks it’s racist. What do you guys think?

But with whites the caricatures are never exaggerated to the same extreme.


See how the artist didn't go completely over the top with Mick's big lips?
Don't know how a caricaturist would have to depict her then.
A caricature relies on exaggerated features.
Come on, her lips are 1/3 the size of her head. That particular trope, big lips, is a well known racist trope.

Whitewashing is what they did to her opponent. She looks like a random blonde white chick. She's half-Haitian half-Japanese.


Here's another cartoon, also from Austrillia:

I suppose this isn't racist either. She looks like Carl Winslow with tooth-pick arms.

Gotta love how so many in here always want to give the benefit of the doubt to the racists.