Official Far Cry 6 Discussion

Great ranking, dude. It's never been en vogue to admit 5 was fun so I'm glad to see dawgs giving the instalment props. FC4 is the best title in the series, IMHO, but not the most fun, while FC3 is my favourite narrative with memorable NPCs like Sam Becker and antag Vaas bringing the story to life. Let us know where you rank FC6 when you're ready – I'm interested.
I dont play as many ubi games anymore since theyre pretty much formulaic with their sequels but 5 seemed like a decent step. Would you recommend it to someone who isnt a fan of the ubi formula?
I dont play as many ubi games anymore since theyre pretty much formulaic with their sequels but 5 seemed like a decent step. Would you recommend it to someone who isnt a fan of the ubi formula?
With you 100 on Ubi, Jo, but, yeah, FC5 was fun and I'd recommend it (beautiful, outdoor romp); they every blue moon have enough fun in a title to overlook PS3-era cutscenes whatnot. Greater truth is, they've grown even more shameless over the years and have at time of writing 3-4 F2P titles coming down the pipeline, all of which at the expense of preexisting franchises and I'm sure as always will let Y1 players QA each rather than test prescriptively. I remember in looking ahead for the publisher that some FC6 editions were selling north of 110€ – three words: passionless fat cats.
With you 100 on Ubi, Jo, but, yeah, FC5 was fun and I'd recommend it (beautiful, outdoor romp); they every blue moon have enough fun in a title to overlook PS3-era cutscenes whatnot. Greater truth is, they've grown even more shameless over the years and have at time of writing 3-4 F2P titles coming down the pipeline, all of which at the expense of preexisting franchises and I'm sure as always will let Y1 players QA each rather than test prescriptively. I remember in looking ahead for the publisher that some FC6 editions were selling north of 110€ – three words: passionless fat cats
Doesnt seem like a 99h long game, Ill defo try it out. If FC6 is the same thing maybe I can skip that lol.
Been harder to get used to this installment because it's my 1st time playing on PC vs Xbox. Loving the setting so far, music is great, like all the vehicle choices, but all the weapons mods feels so overwhelming. Almost too much choice IMO. I feel like I can't go 50 yards without having something to do so it's highly addictive. I am a little disappointed we don't get any human companions like Far Cry 5, and every companion should be able to ride shotgun in your vehicle. So far it's around a 9/10 for me.
I'm loving 6 so far. It's getting a lot of hate online which surprises me.
Can you share something on above? Would like to know more.
What about the hate it's getting? I keep getting things like this popping up on my YouTube.

Dude pulls no punches re: 'creative bankruptcy' and expresses exactly what we've been saying on dated cutscenes across titles, asset whoring, and artificial world level-gating. Thanks for this. For any dawgs enjoying FC6, not at all a knock on you, FWIW. Please enjoy. It's a great series but one that deserves better.
Dude pulls no punches re: 'creative bankruptcy' and expresses exactly what we've been saying on dated cutscenes across titles, asset whoring, and artificial world level-gating. Thanks for this. For any dawgs enjoying FC6, not at all a knock on you, FWIW. Please enjoy. It's a great series but one that deserves better.
Here's another one that keeps popping up on my news feed that made no sense to me
I accidentally stumbled across a secret ending
I dont know if its well known or not so I'll spoiler tag it just in case

I completed the first little island where you start and went to the big main island
After the cut scenes I was standing on a pier, I turned around and jumped in the tiny little boat to head back to the little island to go get the rest of the caches and loot boxes that I hadnt gotten yet
Before I got to the island Dani says "Forgive me Clara but this isnt my fight" and the screen goes black
Then a cut scene of Dani chilling on a beach in Miami 3 months later listening to a radio report that the war is over and Clara Garcia is dead
Credits roll
I accidentally stumbled across a secret ending
I dont know if its well known or not so I'll spoiler tag it just in case

I completed the first little island where you start and went to the big main island
After the cut scenes I was standing on a pier, I turned around and jumped in the tiny little boat to head back to the little island to go get the rest of the caches and loot boxes that I hadnt gotten yet
Before I got to the island Dani says "Forgive me Clara but this isnt my fight" and the screen goes black
Then a cut scene of Dani chilling on a beach in Miami 3 months later listening to a radio report that the war is over and Clara Garcia is dead
Credits roll
Was wondering if it had one of these endings, as 4 and 5 did as well. Clever.
Dude pulls no punches re: 'creative bankruptcy' and expresses exactly what we've been saying on dated cutscenes across titles, asset whoring, and artificial world level-gating. Thanks for this. For any dawgs enjoying FC6, not at all a knock on you, FWIW. Please enjoy. It's a great series but one that deserves better.
It's almost as though its lost on people that games in a series will be similar.
Unstickied in record time I see
It will have been out two weeks tomorrow and has generated only staggered activity since – hardly 40 posts with days of nothing in-between and most of which on a nostalgic tip, not FC6 itself; a newer pin not getting bumped at least daily is a red flag. Can repin if more players emerge or a lively discussion takes place. I'd originally pinned in hopes it would be fun as we haven't had many marquee launches of late but Ubi's drawing power has waned considerably.
Played for probably 10 hours today. It's a fun game. Far from polished but it's deep and has a lot to do.
Ok the more I play the more I realize this game is a buggy mess
Ok this game is ass. A quest to get an OP supremo and gun combo is glitched. Trying to deliver the item and it won't let me.
Quick Resume is broken for me. It makes me restart every time I come back.
Just when I thought the game was absolute trash, the Danny Trejo mission appears and the game totally redeems itself!
Just when I thought the game was absolute trash, the Danny Trejo mission appears and the game totally redeems itself!
There's a Danny Trejo mission? awesome, lol.