NPR-Mexico Is World's Second Most Violent Country, Report Says

Blacks and Hispanics combined are just 29% of the total population, yet make up as much as 75% of the prison population for drug related offenses.

Hispanics as a group actually buy, use, and sell drugs are far lower rates than both whites and blacks.

Not at a computer right now but let me give ya some cliffs... from my own first hand experience.

The vast majority of people in prisons for drug crimes are in there for distribution levels or because they have a lengthy prior history. In my experience I ran across far more distribution level offenses with black males. Not one Hispanic, Asian or Bosnian even though Stl has a fairly large population in some areas. I spent 3 years on the south side. That's a pretty mixed area.

Race was never a deciding factor for me; and I'd say 9/10 policeman, when booking somebody on drug charges. Whether it was possession or VMCSL distribution.

Actually, since I worked in N Stl; of which the population is probably 95% + black...It especially pissed me off when white scum was up there buying their dope. The white users were enabling the dealers to continue a very violent trade that has lasting negative effects on the law abiding residents in those communities. Occasionally you'd get a white boy that was over here from southern Illinois buying distribution amounts of heroin, but it was 9/10 a user.

I also locked up way more whites for possession than blacks. Way more.

You'd also see the same dealers and users out in no time after being booked on drug charges. It's really quite appalling considering they're responsible for much of the violence.

Just some things to chew on.

If you want a glimpse into the heroin business in Stl look up Money Orders on Youtube
OK buddy. But I'll have you know that me sppon feeding you is not the same as teaching you to fish. Quite the opposite.

Here's one of many sources for this info (but be mindful that it's the most SUPER racist white supremacist source out of all the options). After you figure out the answer to the question then come back and I'll give you next question. Don't worry, the answer to the next question is probably even one that you already posses the skills to research yourself!! It'll all be worth it when you have an understanding of the subject that isn't based on bitch made emotions.
In 2013, among persons aged 12 or older, the rate of current illicit drug use was 3.1 percent among Asians, 8.8 percent among Hispanics, 9.5 percent among whites,10.5 percent among blacks, 12.3 percent among American Indians or Alaska Natives, 14.0 percent among Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders, and 17.4 percent among persons reporting two or more races.

There were no statistically significant differences in the rates of current illicit drug use between 2012 and 2013 for any of the racial/ethnic groups. Between 2002 and 2013, the rate of current illicit drug use increased from 8.5 to 9.5 percent for whites. Among blacks, the rate increased from 8.7 percent in 2003 and 2004 to 10.5 percent in 2013 (Figure 2.12).

As per your link those are the stats.....considering white americans make up 62 % of the american population i dont see how they are not the biggest contributor to the consumption of cartel producing drugs when they consume at a greater rate than hispanics plus asians. i dont think anyone suggested only whites contribute to the consumption but they are the biggest consumer by far in USA due to their numbers and also due to consuming at a greater rate than a couple of major americans populations like asians and hispanics.
Are you kidding me. In b4 white peoples insatiable drug habit is the cause for all of it in 4321

It's a big part of it. Mexico is middle of the pack for South American countries by per capita murder rate. As bad as the drug war is there are a lot of countries in the region that are much more dangerous than Mexico.

Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador are around double that of Mexico. Actually Honduras is around 3x the murder rate.

Take out the drug war deaths and Mexico is one of the safest South American countries.

Also your link is almost a year old, 2017 and 2018 are going to be worse than 2016.
lol. So because someone addresses actual facts instead of immature feelings they have some inappropriate agenda? You're more fucking retarded than I thought possible hahaha.

Keep it up, dipshits like you have put life in easy mode for those of us with brains. I don't care who's the president anymore, as long as they're polarizing the lemmings will continue to make the rest of us rich without even knowing how.


While there are racial differences in violent and property crime rates, the picture is quite different for drug crimes, which account for one-quarter of state prison admissions and almost one-third of federal prison admissions.95) Whites comprise the majority of drug users and sellers,96) but were only 30% of the state prison population with drug convictions in 2011.97) Surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Department of Health and Human Services show that both recently98) and historically,99) whites, blacks, and Hispanics have used illicit drugs at roughly similar rates, with whites sometimes outpacing people of color. Research also suggests that drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity.100) Black and Hispanic Crime Rates
It's a big part of it. Mexico is middle of the pack for South American countries by per capita murder rate. As bad as the drug war is there are a lot of countries in the region that are much more dangerous than Mexico.

Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador are around double that of Mexico. Actually Honduras is around 3x the murder rate.

Take out the drug war deaths and Mexico is one of the safest South American countries.

Also your link is almost a year old, 2017 and 2018 are going to be worse than 2016.
Mexico is in North America.
Blaming Mexico's problems on America, because "We buy the drugs" is extremely dishonest. I agree that it takes two to tango, but the Cartels would find another way to operate even if all drugs became legal in the U.S.

You could also blame America's lax gun laws for the weapons that the cartels run too, but there has to be a point where a country starts taking responsibility for it's own people.

You are taking about people who are known for not taking responsibility for themselves and have been taught to blame others
Mexico is in North America.

Yeah can't argue that. As far as economics and murder rates go pretty much everything south of the USA is "South America". I was grouping them in with countries of similar development rather than being technically correct because for all intents and purposes lumping them in with developed North American countries in the example would be silly.

Kinda like 1st, 2nd and 3rd world being used as a basis for how we view the the developed world when in reality its just based on ww2 alliances and involvement.

I kinda assumed most people would understand the intention but you are technically correct so i'll award you with one like.
Go ahead and pull your statistics, I think you'll find they don't support your argument.

White people use, buy, and sell drugs are roughly the same rate as any other group. They just get charged for it about 3 times less.

American demand and America's drug policy is nearly 100% responsible for the drug violence south of our border.

That's because the minorities are more likely to be repeat offenders or have prior convictions, thus making their punishment more harsh.

Mexico may piggyback of our drug policies, but that in no way makes America responsible. The people running the gangs, processing the drugs, and pulling the triggers are responsible for the violence, because they are the one doing it.

By your logic Mexico is responsible for the obesity epidemic in the U.S. because they are our main source of imported sugar.
Went to Tulum a few years back. Seemed safe.
That's because the minorities are more likely to be repeat offenders or have prior convictions, thus making their punishment more harsh.

Mexico may piggyback of our drug policies, but that in no way makes America responsible. The people running the gangs, processing the drugs, and pulling the triggers are responsible for the violence, because they are the one doing it.

By your logic Mexico is responsible for the obesity epidemic in the U.S. because they are our main source of imported sugar.

I thought number 1 was Brazil.

Not any more. Syria is the new Heavyweight Champion, with Mexico as the #1 Contender.

Brazil is just the gatekeeper now, brah;)
Not any more. Syria is the new Heavyweight Champion, with Mexico as the #1 Contender.

Brazil is just the gatekeeper now, brah;)

Nah, its still the champ.

In 2016 it had 61,000 murders that's almost 3 times than those of Mexico and 50% more if we go per capita.

The study is about countries at war and i guess that Mexico is there because the army is being used as police.