Non steroid alternatives (ostarine mk2866 talk)

Let us know how it goes if you're gonna try it.

I probably wouldn't bother without some decent evidence of its efficacy but I'm happy to hear from anyone who does.

I got some Ostarine last week and just picked up some Tongkat Ali. Not sure if I want to stack the two or not but at some point I will be trying the Tongkat Ali.

Ostrarine: 50mg / ml ( 30 ml Bottle )

I dosed high my first 4 days at 40*mg will continue with *25mg for at least three more weeks.

Results so far :

Softer stool
Very very slight increase in libido
Not much else

Softer Stool / slightly more frequently bathroom visits
Libido is normal
Mild insomnia

No strength or weight gains / loss.
Anybody use 1 andro or 4 andro? Looking for a good supplement to jump start my workout after a 6 month hiatus
I understand the befits you see in taking SARM's but honestly they're so new compared to steroids that I think the risk outweigh the benefits.
I understand they're a legal grey area and that they can give you the benefits of a mild steroid without the steroid side effects but as of now the true sides of prolonged use or consistent use are unknown compared to the somewhat 80 years of steroid research.

That's not to say SARM's don't have their benefits, if I could get my hands on some to help heal my knee ligaments I would, but at the same time I can easily get my hands on some dianabol, tren or testosterone enanthate and build the muscles in my quad to support my ligament better knowing what to expect in the form of sides (not knowing what to expect in the form of other shit that contaiminated my roids in the UGL they were made in).

I've been led to believe that Ostarine is essentially about as powerful as Anavar which if true is great, especially if they do end up having none of the bad sides like steroids do, but can you fuck up your HPTA with SARM's like you can roids?
I started taking Tongkat ali ( 500 mg ) along side ostarine. Tongkat is 200:1 variation. Reports say it could take a couple weeks to notice a difference. From my research this is on the lower end of a recommended dose. Going to double it up next week. 7 days on 3 days off.

I am not noticing any difference in anything. Bathroom visits are back to normal. libido is normal. No strength gain / weight gain or loss.

Still have mild insomnia.
I started taking Tongkat ali ( 500 mg ) along side ostarine. Tongkat is 200:1 variation. Reports say it could take a couple weeks to notice a difference. From my research this is on the lower end of a recommended dose. Going to double it up next week. 7 days on 3 days off.

I am not noticing any difference in anything. Bathroom visits are back to normal. libido is normal. No strength gain / weight gain or loss.

Still have mild insomnia.

I'm interested,, do you dose in morning or night? wondering if night dosing effects sleep.
I'm interested,, do you dose in morning or night? wondering if night dosing effects sleep.

Every morning between 6:00 - 7:00 am. Getting to sleep isn't much of an issue. Waking up at 3 am and then having a hard time getting back to sleep is.
Osta, take three... last time I stayed on it too long, had a blood test and test was quite low... was also injured and couldn't train and drinking way too much booze so that can't have helped either.

Haven't been able to train for 5 months, 4 because shoulder fucked and then I spent the last month on holiday in Europe eating and drinking everything in sight.

Using Osta for cutting cycle to maintain muscle mass. Main aim for November is to get back down somewhere near 80KG. I also aim to get back into a decent weights program and some cardio going over the next four weeks.

Starting weight: 84.7KG
Age 38
Height 6'1

Feeling fat as fuck and must be pushing close to 20% BF :(
How long was too long. I read to be on 4 week cycles and also read information claiming 4 weeks is where you start to see the most benefits and stopping after 4 weeks is cutting the cycle short.
The company that I buy osta from sells a bottle that should work out to 25mg a day for a 6 week cycle. Last time I had it, the osta lasted about two months instead. I started to feel pretty low, no sex drive etc at that point... then again, as stated, also eating like crap, drinking to much and not able to exercise so that can't have helped.

This time, even if there is Osta left in the bottle, I'm not running it for more than 5-6 weeks. Even after doing it for 8 weeks, I returned to feeling like normal within a month with no PCT but still wasn't much fun.
Not much new to report. I haven't been working out much at all been too busy. So I can't really judge my strength.

Doubled my dose of Tongkat Ali.

I have been feeling a more intense feeling... Could be a result of my test rising. I felt like crap the day I slept in for work and rushed out the door forgetting to take my Ostarine and Ali.

Slept good last night but other then that still have mild insomnia.

Will stay on for 1 / 2 more weeks.
I understand the befits you see in taking SARM's but honestly they're so new compared to steroids that I think the risk outweigh the benefits.
I understand they're a legal grey area and that they can give you the benefits of a mild steroid without the steroid side effects but as of now the true sides of prolonged use or consistent use are unknown compared to the somewhat 80 years of steroid research.

That's not to say SARM's don't have their benefits, if I could get my hands on some to help heal my knee ligaments I would, but at the same time I can easily get my hands on some dianabol, tren or testosterone enanthate and build the muscles in my quad to support my ligament better knowing what to expect in the form of sides (not knowing what to expect in the form of other shit that contaiminated my roids in the UGL they were made in).

I've been led to believe that Ostarine is essentially about as powerful as Anavar which if true is great, especially if they do end up having none of the bad sides like steroids do, but can you fuck up your HPTA with SARM's like you can roids?

I can't speak for others but I just have no access to anything else. So I'm trying out a few things that I can get my hands on relatively easily.

How long was too long. I read to be on 4 week cycles and also read information claiming 4 weeks is where you start to see the most benefits and stopping after 4 weeks is cutting the cycle short.

I chose to do 2x 30 days @ 20mg, maybe I should have done 25mg for 48 days.

But first report; stopped short at 25 days @ 20mg/day. Was recovering from the flu to begin with and stopped because I was feeling like crap, maybe a cold, so can't really give any meaningful info.

Didn't feel anything major, nothing that can be attributed to the Ostarine with any certainty.

Joints - if anything worse (some elbow pain, existing condition)
Libido - if anything worse (nothing major)
Strength/mass etc - can't say for sure

Will wait 4 weeks then probably go 25mg for 4 weeks which should finish it off.
I recently finished my 3rd cycle of Osta and this time I couldn't work out as much due to a heavy schedule and injury.

I began to feel a lack of energy which could be the less working out. That said now it's finished I feel fine again.

My experience thus far is that the more exercise I did while on Osta, the better I felt and obviously, the better the results.

I recommend lifting most days, sometimes twice a day. The recovery becomes real rapid and the gains of muscle and loss of fat stack up.

I also found it to be not unbeneficial to up dose as I went. Starting at 18 and ending up 28 or so. I am 250+lbs though so it might have been I was approaching a more appropriate dose.
Finished up my cycle


Although I didn't realize it at the time I did feel more intensity when taking it. Caused me mild insomnia. No weight loss or gain. I was busy and couldn't work out the second half of my cycle so I can't comment on any strength gains. I am not sure if it was the lack of sleep that made me irritated or the Ostarine. There was no problem getting to sleep but I did wake up through the night / early morning.

I never felt well being or fast healing that others report. I wouldn't take this stuff for anymore then 6 weeks.
Since I learned about it for the first time in this thread, I wanted to go ahead and share my experience with ostarine. I just finished up a 4 week cycle. I was in a fight camp the whole time, and cutting weight from 174 to 160. My hope was that it would help me with the cut, keep my strength up during a long kcal deficit, and protect against pain in my joints. Having done a camp earlier this year I have something to compare it with fresh in my memory.

I should add that I stacked with GW (only on training days), and novaldren xt (just in case. can't be having bitch tits in the ring).

Right off the bat I will say, aesthetically, I haven't looked this good in twenty years. The muscle hardness and definition is very noticeable. Flat belly, too. I did not look this good after my previous camp.

But THE biggest benefit that I have noticed, physically, was recovery time. My legs usually start to go dead a couple of weeks in, and require more and more warm up and stretching before training. This camp I felt very fresh going into the gym every day, with live legs and very little pain. That benefit alone was enough to make me order another bottle.

I can't say it increased my endurance or strength during training very much, or that my cardio was better. But I already have good cardio and endurance, and I don't lift for numbers, so it is really hard to tell.

I do always check my heart rate periodically to simulate calming between rounds. By the end of camp I can usually expect 165 bpm, dropping to about 125 bpm after 1 minute, between hard work rounds. Those numbers improved this camp to a peak of 160 and 105, which is impressive.

As far as cutting weight, I probably would not recommend it for that. I actually felt it was harder to lose weight initially, I am guessing because I wasn't losing muscle. Or maybe it was just retaining water in the muscle. At around 1500 kcal a day and < 50 grams of carbs I went into the last week weighing 169 lbs, so I had lost 5 lbs and still had to cut 9 lbs of water. I was shooting for closer to 165.

By the way, my fight never happened. The promoter messed up paperwork and actually scheduled my opponent against someone else. I found out two days before weigh ins when he posted the fight poster on facebook. So I have no fight performance to help evaluate the effects of ostarine, sadly. Se la vie.
Osta cycle 3 - One month update:

Starting weight: 84.7KG (kind of)
Age 38
Height 6'1

I returned from a month in Europe and was bloated as fuck so I basically lived on fruit/veggies and a little protein for 4 days and that's where the 84.7kg came from. The second that I went back to normal eating, taking creatine and xtend (has sodium in it) I went up to 87.5 (bugger)

On paper my one month weight loss is 0.3kg (84.4) at least from the first number I gave but it's actually 3.1kg so I'm pretty happy with that. Clothes fit much better. Back into lifting close to what I was when injured six months ago, running good times for sprints and resting heart rate back down to a respectable 48bpm(for me decent, not great)

On my scales, it's reading that I've put on 5kg of muscle since using Ostarine which is pretty amazing if true as two out of the three cycles have been for cutting.

Recovery is always great and even during the months off between cycles, my knee pain never returned. Even with injuries and lots of downtime, the results so far are very good overall. If people have the money, I definitely recommend it.

...and before anyone says it: I know injecting steroids would have been better results but you never know what you're going to get with that so I'll go with the legal, milder alternative.
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I have never used them or any site, but I highly doubt they are a chemical research group, like they say they are. The "about" page looks like it's written by a high school drop out. Typo's, misspelled words, poor sentence structure, misuse of their/there etc.

With such a poorly written page, I would be highly skeptical of any claim they make about a product and very cautious buying from them.
"...and feel like they are in there 20's again."

LOL, never read that before, embarrassing.

"AUS LABS is a premium scientific research supplement supply company"

This is because SARMs are only legal for research purposes in Australia so them faking it is hardly surprising.

I know a handful of people that have used their products and never heard any complaints. Oh well, fuck it, they seem work for me.
Anybody else get mild but constant flu-like symptoms?

It's hard to definitely attribute anything to the ostarine but it feels that way, I guess I'll get a better idea when I finish up this time.

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