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Nick Diaz: Raw vegan food helps me not...

because he's an mma fighter that does triathlon, not a triathlon athlete that does mma

Well, these middle aged women who are beating Nick are not professional athletes at all, they are weekend warriors. They aren't Triathletes who do office work, they are office workers who do triathlons.

Actual Triathletes laugh at the notion that Nick Diaz is a triathlete. The pressure GSP put on him made him gas.
Pound for pound doesn't mean much if the bear kills the gorilla in the end

Are you on drugs?

A gorilla is FOUR TIMES STRONGER than a bear even without the pound for pound allowance.

The fuck is a bear going to do if a gorilla decides to go at it besides throw its honey pot and pray for a quick death?

They are an omnivore they eat small mammels including antelopes other smaller monkeys and birds.

Not talking about the ones in your triggered nightmares bro, talking about real life.
You know there's a reason none of the vegans are known for their strength or speed though don't you?


Patrik Baboumian is the name, by the way.

Also, Carl Lewis.

Never really understood the obessession with Nick Diaz that people have on here, I especially don't care what kind of food he eats.

Yet you're posting in a thread about him and the kind of food he eats.

Raw food is the real food.

Processed food isn't real food.

Depends on your definition of "real" and "processed".

If you grind up fruit and / or veggies for a smoothie you're technically eating processed food.

Also, not all processed food (as thought of in the packaged sense) is bad.
My wife and I switched to a 90% vegetarian diet. We still eat meat on occasion. It is more work to eat properly and get all essentials once you cut the meat. Still it is much easier to be vegetarian than vegan.

Patrik Baboumian is the name, by the way.
I know who he is and laugh at how you think me saying none of the MMA fighters known for power or speed is countered by showing a relatively weak power lifter.

Also, Carl Lewis.
Tested positive for eight controlled substances including amphetamines and steroids. Probably because he needed to make up for his shitty diet.
I know who he is and laugh at how you think me saying none of the MMA fighters known for power or speed is countered by showing a relatively weak power lifter.

Tested positive for eight controlled substances including amphetamines and steroids. Probably because he needed to make up for his shitty diet.

I knew you'd say that about Carl Lewis, haha. Yeah, as if his competitors weren't on anything, not to mention most high level athletes for that matter.

Patrik is a stongman not a powerlifter by the way, and he's set some records.

Vegan athletes are very rare so you're not going to see as many of them because very few people eat a vegan diet, so the sample size is much smaller. I shouldn't need to explain that but an appalling number of people don't grasp that incredibly simple concept - hopefully you're not one of them.
I knew you'd say that about Carl Lewis, haha. Yeah, as if his competitors weren't on anything, not to mention most high level athletes for that matter.
I know, he said "if they took the medals away from all the dirty guys that day gold would go to 18th place"(not a direct quote, just what I remember him saying)

Patrik is a stongman not a powerlifter by the way, and he's set some records.
My bad, point remains, some healthy animal protein would get him going much better.

Vegan athletes are very rare so you're not going to see as many of them because very few people eat a vegan diet so the sample size is much smaller.
All joking aside vegans seem to make up the same percentage of top level athletes that they do general population and yes, the sample size is far too small.
My bad, point remains, some healthy animal protein would get him going much better.

I don't see a basis for this statement, and if I'm not mistaken he wasn't always vegan so I think he would know better about what works best for him.

The rest I've no quarrels with, you seem reasonable.
Oh boy. Here we go again. 99% of people don't understand nutrition, physiology, or biochemistry at all. I'll just leave my posts from the food thread here incase anybody wants to learn something.

Liver and oysters together complete the most nutrient dense food on the planet. This is not even up for debate. (Of course you need sugar/carbs as well to keep your liver replete with glycogen or your body will release cortisol and adrenaline to perform metabolic processes which comes at a high cost to the thryoid...nebody tells you to go carb free is woefully misinformed) so I'm not saying eat ONLY liver and oysters. The only thing liver is missing is high levels of zinc and copper. That's where oysters come in. You can use cronometer.com And put in a diet of just liver, oysters, eggs, and fruit for carbs and you will see that your nutrient profile will be through the roof. Here. Read this.



I love fresh oysters. But since I eat 3oz a day, and they are indeed expensive...I order them from amazon in bulk. I get crown prince whole boiled oysters in a can. Just make sure they are BPA free. Here. Use this list. Also...liver and oysters are high in iron (which similiar to polyunsaturated acids (canola oil, rapeseed oil, vegetable oil etc...(always consume saturated fats i.e. coconut oil, olive oil, animal fats) can accumulate in the tissues and supress the thyroid...so it's important to eat them with coffee and milk since coffee and calcium absorb iron very effectively. It is very rare for men to have iron deficiency...much more likely to go overboard. Or You can just donate blood regularly to keep your ferritin levels in check. My point is...if your going to do this...keep an eye on your iron intake. Other than that you will thrive BIG TIME on this.


Yeah.. Chicken breast is no good. lol. As a matter of fact. All muscle meats are inflammatory unless you eat them with gelatin. And kick the grain to the curb. Grains take longer to digest and because they don't finish digesting in the small intestine they fester in the gut and feed bacterial endotoxin in the large intestine which then release estrogen as a bypoduct. The whole "whole grain" craze is just propoganda from the grain industry. Here. You should start doing your own research. Read this guys stuff. He's the most respected biochemist and physiologist in this field who doesn't sell a thing. The man is a genius. Start with this article and then go to his "about me" page and then get back at me and ill recommend a few more of his articles.

Prepare to have your mind blown.




No problem.Its hard to convince people of these things since dietary dogma is something SO incredibly personal to people. Even moreso than religion or politics I've found. Everybody wants to quote studies without actually understanding the physiological mechanisms of action occuring in the body. You want studies that show sugar is bad? Got those..Want to see some that say sugar is great? Got those too. Studies are usually done poorly, correlations are drawn between things without controlling for other factors, and they are usually funded by industries with a vested interest in the outcomes. That's why I love Ray Peat. Just straight up bare bones biochemical research from a pure physiological perspective. The man is WAY ahead of his time and has been so since the 1970's. The problem is his findings fly in the face of modern medicine which has been wrong just about all the time about just about everything. The demonizing of saturated fats and the false correlations they drew with increased cholesterol and heart disease is a perfect example. The grain industry has had been running a very expensive campaign for decades to fund biases research touting the benefits of vegetable oils. FINALLY it's been torn to shreds and the NY times just ran a great piece (also made cover of TIME) where they did a comprehensive analysis of hundreds of studies and showed that there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between saturated fat and heart disease. PUFAS are the real cause of the obesity epidemic..not sugar. Sugar actually INCREASES the metabolism..but since it's high in calories....when it's in the presence of PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids (i.e. vegetable oil, canola, etc...which is in EVERYTHING) which slow down the the thyroid..then of course people are going to gain weight. But if you only consume sat fat and no PUFAS then your body uses sugar incredibly effectively for energy. As a matter of fact..it is THE most effective form of energy. Your body converts ALL energy sources to glucose so the idea that sugar is bad for you is fucking retarded.Burning fat or protein for energy wreaks havoc on the endocrine system and while it does produce a short term "high" from the surge in stress hormones as well as short term weightloss..over the long term it is incredibly degenerative. The thing is...sugar increases the metabolism so much (as long as it's not in the presence of PUFAS) that it increases the body nutrient requirements. That's why people feel like shit when they consume tons of sugar...it's not the sugar...it's the fact that they've quickly burned through their stores of Vitamin A, B, C,D, E, K, etc. That's where shellfish and organ meat come in. So essentially...the perfect diet consists of sugar and fruit as your carb source, milk (dont even get me started on milk being demonized..thats for another post), and nutrient dense animal proteins ideally organ meats and if muscle meat is to be consumed then it should be done with gelatin to transcend it's inflamatory nature and create healthy bioavailable amino acids like glycine that support structure. Also.. daily raw carrot helps to keep bacterial endotoxin in the gut in check which is important. It's pretty much the only fiber you need.

I basically subsist off of milk, oj, coffee with sugar, and daily liver and oysters. Always consume at least 1:1 Carb to protein or even 2 carbs to 1 protein (i know..this flies in the face of all that ketosis bs lol) to make sure your blood sugar doesn't drop and that the liver is full of glycogen. If you are craving sugar...that means you need sugar! Listen to your body. If you crave salt...eat salt. Mood, sexual drive, overall sense of well being and body temperatures (should be at least 98 and ideally 99...a drop in temperature say 97s and 96s's after a meal is an indicator that the liver and thyroid is stressed and that your stress hormones are surging) are good indicators of how well your thyroid is working and how well your liver is detoxifying the body of estrogen and other degenarative stress hormones. The moment your liver is out of glycogen...guess what..the body is going to find a way to continue performing...and to do so it releases primitive stress hormones i.e. adrenaline, cortisol, seratonin. etc..which get the job done..but at a high cost. Everyone thinks seratonin is a brain hormone but actually 90% is produced in the gut. It is a primitive hormone that is responsible for eliminating poisons and toxins that we used to routinly encounter in the environment long ago. It does this by performing the job of contractions i.e. vomiting, shitting, gagging etc. We have developed much more effective and youth associated hormones since then (ie. pregnenolone, the mother of all hormones which coincedentally NEEDS cholesterol and vitamin A to be produced.) but they depend on a healthy sugar replete liver to work. So anyways..pay attention to your cravings. They are there for a reason!!!.

I also eat one daily raw carrot to keep bacterial endotoxin in the large intestine in check since carrots serve as a natural antimicrobial. (It's a tuber..so logically it's going to have antifungal properties to survive). Here...read this. If you can internalize and conceptualize the information in these articles you will completely change the way you look at health and nutrition for the better. Pay special head to the biological mechanisms by which plants evolved metabolic inhibitors in their stalks and foilage which proves that vegatables aren't all they are cracked up to be. Fruit is a different story. The plant WANTS you to eat its fruit..thats why its sweet.. This is how they propogate their existence. Animal eats fruit..shits out seed...walla!



Oh boy. Here we go again. 99% of people don't understand nutrition, physiology, or biochemistry at all. I'll just leave my posts from the food thread here incase anybody wants to learn something.
Nobody has questioned that "Liver and oysters together complete the most nutrient dense food on the planet."

If you want high T, without injecting T, you go vegan.

If you want to reduce the risk for cancer, you go vegan.
Nobody has questioned that "Liver and oysters together complete the most nutrient dense food on the planet."

If you want high T, without injecting T, you go vegan.

If you want to reduce the risk for cancer, you go vegan.

If you think liver and oysters are all my posts address....less talk...read more. Also...explain to me the biochemical mechanisms of action that are occurring to support your claims without using sources and playing the pubmed game.
Oh boy. Here we go again. 99% of people don't understand nutrition, physiology, or biochemistry at all. I'll just leave my posts from the food thread here incase anybody wants to learn something.

You start off by citing an acupuncturist paleo blogger for a source, and then another couple bloggers whose websites look like they were made by middle schoolers.


That horse isn't as high up as you seem to think it is.
You start off by citing an acupuncturist paleo blogger for a source, and then another couple bloggers.


That horse isn't as high up as you think it is.

oh boy. Ray Peat Phd. is no blogger. Did you even read my posts? Do youself a favor and read "Vegetables, who defines food" (in my opening posts). and then come back and make a biochemical argument for the superiority of a vegan diet. I promise you'll be humbled. I was.
Am I the only person who cringes when vegan activists, #AnimalLivesMatter, start rambling on about fucking Gorillas. Listen, carefully, YOU'RE NOT A FUCKIN' GORILLA! Jesus...the state of you people. What the fuck sort of argument is that ?

Lookie here, a fucking great ape that lives on greens, he's a hulking beast, therefore veganism is legit. Erm no. How many fucking vegans do you see staunching about like a Gorilla ? Vegans are all either skinny triathlete fuckers or skinny fat nerds. How the fuck are you even going to compare yourself to a fucking Gorilla, are you retarded ?

As for bullshit like, 'vegans are healthier', 'vegans have higher testosterone'. I am laughing. Listen, I actually agree Vegans are healthier, you know why ? Because many people who become Vegans are quite health conscious, many partake in triathlons, swimming, cycling, even crossfit or weightlifting. They tend to watch their portion sizes, snack on healthy nuts instead of sugary snacks, some of them dink little to no alcohol, many drink coffee/water instead of cola/energy drinks and so on... also fruit & veg' are gorgeous and good for your body, eating them is GOOD, some vegans gain health and vitality by eating a wide range of them, not by eliminating all animal products. Most people don't eat nearly enough fruit and veg'.

There is a big difference between a Man who eats good clean meat from the butchers, who eats a lot of good healthy fruit & veg', lives on mineral water, whom doesn't drink a tonne of alcohol and who also works out and is in shape.


A man who eats cheap processed meat from the supermarket, eats huge portions sizes, never exercises, who eats no/little fruit and veg', who greatly over indulges in chocolate, sugary snacks/drinks, who binge drinks multiple times a week etc, etc, you get the point.
Not only that, but gorillas aren't even vegans. They eat termites and insects, and even are suspected to hunt. Vegan logical fallacies are quite common. If someone wants to become a vegetarian or vegan for moral reasons I'm 100% okay with that. Problem is when the vegans especially aren't willing to listen to any of the potential downsides of that diet long term, even from people who were vegans themselves for a significant period of time. Some are super chill honestly, It's just a large percentage of them prescribe to a sort of weird psuedoscience and don't actually understand the history of what human beings have been eating since the beginning of time..or have any sort of solid nutritional understanding beyond their cherry picked Information.
oh boy. Ray Peat Phd. is no blogger. Did you even read my posts? Do youself a favor and read "Vegetables, who defines food" (in my opening posts). and then come back and make a biochemical argument for the superiority of a vegan diet. I promise you'll be humbled. I was.
You can say you like meat all you want, and I'm actually with you on oysters and fans of them myself, but if you don't think a well planned vegan diet is nutrionally beneficial then you are ignorant. Period.
Oh boy. Here we go again. 99% of people don't understand nutrition, physiology, or biochemistry at all. I'll just leave my posts from the food thread here incase anybody wants to learn something.
No one is reading those essays you cunt.