Nick Diaz: Raw vegan food helps me not...

I wonder if this guy is known for his speed:

"Olympic-medal winning track star Carl Lewis famously claimed his best year of track competition was the first year he ate a vegan diet. Sports Illustrated named Lewis “Olympian of the Century.” He won 10 Olympic medals and 10 World Championship medals in his career and has been an outspoken advocate for his diet, writing in the introduction to Jannequin Bennett’s book Very Vegetarian, “I’ve found that a person does not need protein from meat to be a successful athlete.”
Carl Lewis won because he had a waiver for amphetamines.
It's not a good way to do it. The benefits of a vegan diet (high level of testosterone, reduced risk of cancer) is undone by fish. Vegetarians and omnivores have the same level of testosterone. And even if you could keep the testosterone level up, you also increase the risk of prostate cancer. Vegan diet is unique in that it increases testosterone level without increasing the risk of cancer.
Well, that's the way nick & nate do it. They mix in fish from time to time.

I'm not sure your analysis is correct on 'occasional" fish undoing a vegan diet. Like if they eat fish once a week that's fucking up a whole week of vegan eating. Doesn't sound likely to me. The fish passez through the system 2 dayz max. That's 5 dayz of non-fish.

or whatever.

Diaz or whatever.jpg
When i reduced meat consumption, I have felt better.
That's a childish argument.
A 180kg gorilla will smash a 180kg bear. Will it smash a 600kg polar bear? There are other factors than strength. The polar bear is designed to kill. It has claws to rip through flesh.
Was never a question of pound for pound but the stronger mammal.
Psh, bears are weak as fuck, only able to carry 80% of their own bodyweight. A Grizzly can only lift about 500kg. I laugh in their faces.

Gorillas are up around 1000% and can lift 2000kg.

Holy shit is this true? Then we should find a way in which these gorillas are used properly by making them work on a specific labor and we can pay them with bananas and clothes. Save a lot of money.
Problem with meat consumption Is a lot of people are consuming factory farmed meats coming from tortured animals.

People need to learn about high quality grass fed pasture raised animal food or even hunting. Knowing where your meat comes from is CRUCIAL. It's entirely possible that you will feel like complete shit on standard animal food, coming from the grocery store..and feel AMAZING on high quality animal food coming from sources that raise their animals consciously and Intelligently.

People who consume animal foods need to also eat it closer to rare. Does way more for you.

Raw veganism can definitely work, and It seems more beneficial for cardio. Considering Nick is a triathlete with god tier cardio, It makes sense. Although, for a sport like MMA..It feels like you need some high quality animal food for optimal performance.

I've done the raw vegan diet for over a year, It was a good experience. To me, a raw vegan diet can be a sort of tool for cleaning your body out. Allowing your digestion, liver, metabolism to function more optimally, cleaning out the garbage that's been accumulated over time. It doesn't feel like the best long term optimal diet, especially as an athlete.

I've done a diet closer to paleo, keto with lots of high quality animal foods..raw wild fish while still eating a bunch of raw veg and fruit..felt better than I ever had. I think It just depends though.

Were all different. Different genetics, different blood types, so It's really a matter of finding out what works best for you..rather than having a one size fits all type of diet.

Maybe what Nick does works best for him, although I'd be surprised if he was 100% raw vegan and never eats any animal food as a high level martial artist.
When i reduced meat consumption, I have felt better.

Same, I only eat animal a few times a month. Less bloating, constipation and heartburn, more energy and better cardio. Those are some of the befits that come to mind.
Plus I look ripped af because of lower body fat %.
That's a childish argument.
A 180kg gorilla will smash a 180kg bear. Will it smash a 600kg polar bear? There are other factors than strength. The polar bear is designed to kill. It has claws to rip through flesh.

Yeah, p4p is pretty meaningless in nature.
People generally like to hype up what they're doing, even if it's not necessarily true.
Once people have time and money invested it's hard to admit to yourself that you are wrong.
If people do crossfit and are vegan. What do they talk about first?
I get a real kick out of anyone dismissing what Nick is saying. It requires alot of discipline to do it, but there is ZERO doubt an athlete can thrive on a well planned vegan or mostly plant based diet while also significantly lowering their risk factors for certain cancers and heart disease. The only athletes who might struggle with it are guys who need to maintain huge mass- like lineman in the NFL- simply would be hard to eat the amount of calories required to stay above 300 pounds, but even then there are guy who find a way.
Well, that's the way nick & nate do it. They mix in fish from time to time.

I'm not sure your analysis is correct on 'occasional" fish undoing a vegan diet. Like if they eat fish once a week that's fucking up a whole week of vegan eating. Doesn't sound likely to me. The fish passez through the system 2 dayz max. That's 5 dayz of non-fish.

or whatever.

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Fact. Vegans have higher testosterone level than both vegetarians and omnivores.
Fact. Higher levels of testosterone increases the risk of prostate cancer.
Fact. Only vegans have an increased level of IGF-1, which reduces the risk for cancer.

In the case of testosterone and cancer, a vegetarian diet does not give you the best of both worlds.

To put it another way, omnivores and vegetarians are fortunate that they suffer from testosterone deficiency. Because if they had the testosterone level of a vegan, they would have an increased risk of cancer. Only vegans can enjoy high sex drive without also increasing the risk for cancer.

Probably explains why Diaz seems like some primitive ape like thing as opposed to a real functioning human.
Are you seriously making an argument for today based on circumstances 10,000 years ago?
Most of us have evolved past the caveman stage.
Meat is murder. Delicious tasting fucking murder.

I like plant based foods too.... When they are dripping in blood.
I dont like the idea of eating animal flesh tbh but gosh darn if it isnt awesome to get a nice slab of prime rib every once in a while. (Homer voice) Glaaarrgh animal flesh.

Wow do you really have that sort of restraint? I wish I could eat meat sparingly..... I eat hamburger at least 2-3 times a week.