New crisis: shortage of sand


Satanic black magic!
Mar 20, 2014
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When people picture sand spread across idyllic beaches and endless deserts, they understandably think of it as an infinite resource. But as we discuss in a just-published perspective in the journal Science, over-exploitation of global supplies of sand is damaging the environment, endangering communities, causing shortages and promoting violent conflict.

Skyrocketing demand, combined with unfettered mining to meet it, is creating the perfect recipe for shortages. Plentiful evidence strongly suggests that sand is becoming increasingly scarce in many regions. For example, in Vietnam domestic demand for sand exceeds the country’s total reserves. If this mismatch continues, the country may run out of construction sand by 2020, according to recent statements from the country’s Ministry of Construction.
impact on the environment and local communities:

Research shows that sand mining operations are affecting numerous animal species, including fish, dolphins, crustaceans and crocodiles. For example, the gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) – a critically endangered crocodile found in Asian river systems – is increasingly threatened by sand mining, which destroys or erodes sand banks where the animals bask.

Sand mining also has serious impacts on people’s livelihoods. Beaches and wetlands buffer coastal communities against surging seas. Increased erosion resulting from extensive mining makes these communities more vulnerable to floods and storm surges.
Oh no, another way for Saudi Arabia to get rich.
just come to my house/city, you'll be fine. I got you
We're running out of a lot of weird things that don't make sense on the surface.
Oh God no, I was hoping that we'll eventually stop using oil as a source of energy and impoverish the Arabian peninsula, then this happens...
get ready for primate change
Found some


Apparently this place has 3.5 million square miles of it.
We have great sand, the very best sand, top sand.


The island of Barbuda, which was devastated by Hurricane Irma, could easily have its rebuilding efforts paid for from the profits of all the sand-mining that has taken place there over the years. The government let all kinds of foreign interests come in and take their sand. Of course, they won't be getting any help from any sources like that, and that same government is trying to screw the Barbudans out of their land. As corrupt and disgusting we find politics here in North America, in the Caribbean it's a million times worse.
anyone remember decades ago they how made artificial sand out of glass etc.? once deployed little by little it all started to form into sharp clusters which then began injuring folks.