My fascism-enabling friends, this is only the beginning.

The writer is delusional. Trump's administration would be so happy to let loose and crack down on the left's violent fruitcakes. After all the marxist bullshit we have to endure hearing 24/7, seeing them cuffed and dragged into a cop car would be a highly therapeutic.
In what way are you forced to "endure marxist bullshit 24/7"?

LOL that's right up there with the "sick of hearing about" garbage I see on here all the time.
Well when you call everyone vicious names like racist and Nazi when you disagree with them, how can you have political discourse?
It's a two way street. Both sides largely act like children who are more interesting in slinging insults at each other than reaching any sort of resolution.
I don't support domestic terrorism but I thought that fighting a government that is perceived as corrupt is something that had general support and was why we had a 2nd Amendment in the 1st place. To me the question is less about how people are fighting their government and more about if the government's actions rise to a level that warrants some kind of response.

To me, it's not at that level, but I can see how others might disagree.
I'm not sure what word has been more overused and so often incorrectly in the last 2 years, Fascist or Nazi.
Well, that didn't take long:
Shocking moment flash-bang grenade is thrown into right-wing Patriot Prayer rally igniting violent clashes with Antifa in Portland

Watch what these idiots are turning this country into. Please, at least before commenting. If the devoted right and the devoted left don't realize - and very quickly - that they have way more in common with each other than their media masters who keep them perpetually both confused, and also insane, then even the remotest part of the freedom that we hold so dear will be gone.
That's what Americans call Fascism?
I don't see anyone in fashionable uniforms.
I see the Reich has you beat once again.


Favorite trolling right now
Does anyone other then me, think we will see a massive increase in economic terrorism in the near future?

Where people are going to figure out that the power brokers don't care if people die, they care about economics, so attack what they care about.

Get about a million former indoctrinated college students with heavy debt and useless humanities degrees, Yep i can see it ending badly.
The goal is total power so they can build their utopia. If they need to burn the village to "save" it then that is what needs to happen.
Well, this antifa psychopath took this shit seriously:

Authorities discovered a "concerning" amount of bomb-making equipment and illegal guns after a man was arrested on burglary charges in Sioux Falls on Tuesday night....

They also said authorities found a "manifesto" or document that included threats toward law enforcement and the government.The sheriff's department had earlier said Einerwold was connected to Antifa...

Now it begins?
Bring it on motherfuckers, you've seen about 1% of what we can do.

You sound very angry and violent. What level of violence are you threatening liberals with? Kill all of them, or just most of them? Be honest, we won't judge.
Seems some people need to be educated on The Chicago Way if they feel escalation to violence is their next level of valid protesting...

Agreed, their is a time when I would have cheered this on. Then I started reading.
Well, this antifa psychopath took this shit seriously:

Authorities discovered a "concerning" amount of bomb-making equipment and illegal guns after a man was arrested on burglary charges in Sioux Falls on Tuesday night....

They also said authorities found a "manifesto" or document that included threats toward law enforcement and the government.The sheriff's department had earlier said Einerwold was connected to Antifa...

Now it begins?

It's hard to take too seriously. The unibombers are 1 in a billion.

Either you don't have the intelligence to be a effective threat, or you are intelligent enough to understand that attacking organized power at it's strongest point, the organized use of violence, is stupid.
You sound very angry and violent. What level of violence are you threatening liberals with? Kill all of them, or just most of them? Be honest, we won't judge.

Pretty pathetic attempt at baiting me. And nice try reversing the narrative. You are misreading the situation here as I made no threats, and Ive exhibited no violence. WHen the left talks about rioting, assaulting people, and revolution and I respond by saying what I did, that's a defensive posture.

I'm a little amazed you'd even attempt to do what you're doing here.

But back to the kinds of things I'd be capable of if I was attacked and having my life threatened, all I can say is that I'd use as much force necessary to keep me and my family safe. The ceiling is pretty fucking high for me when it comes to that.
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I hope this is controlled opposition and has nothing to do with the actual left. That said, according to leftist

This Is Just the Beginning

Photo: AP
Do you think that being asked to leave a restaurant, or having your meal interrupted, or being called by the public is bad? My fascism-enabling friends, this is only the beginning...

Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours....

Now I'm no expert on terrorist threats, but WTF? Is this how the left feels now? Are they really ready to start blowing up shit? Have these people honestly gone from fucking with people at restaurants to bomb threats in just the last week?
Liberalism is a disease
So...are u justifying lunatics committing violence because a president is doing exactly what he said he would and he won.
He's trying to ignite a race war. It should be obvious what his agenda is.
..But back to the kinds of things I'd be capable of if I was attacked and having my life threatened, all I can say is that I'd use as much force necessary to keep me and my family safe...

You weren't talking about being personally physically attacked and defending yourself. You said "Bring it on motherfuckers, you've seen about 1% of what we can do." Who is "we", and what do you want to "do"?

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