My affair with the intellectual dark web by Meghan Daum

Used to listen to Harris' podcast religiously but at some point I just stopped adn never looked back.

Maybe someday I'll check out one of his podcasts again but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Rogan is far better at the long form podcast than Rubin. He's not there to find a gotcha moment but he will push back against his guests at times while still giving them time to flesh out their ideas. Rubin on the other hand seems allergic to any sort of friction with his guests from what I've seen.

Even though Rubin's set and look seems more formal he's considerably worse. He knows he has little to no following of his own, that he's riding the coattails of the likes of Harris, Shapiro, Peterson etc because he has nothing interesting to say on his own and that stepping on their toes would mean losing whatever audience he has.

Harris just bores me to death with his delivery.
I think she would agree with you. At the end she is saying the IDW is becoming its own tribe and she doesn't like that.

She wrote, "Just as you can’t fight Trumpism with tribalism, you can’t fight tribalism with a tribe."

Well you've got an orthodox Jew (Shapiro), a left wing quasi Marxist Jew (Bret Weinstein), his brother Eric (centrist?), Peterson (Psychologist, center right quasi Christian), Rogan (who the heck knows), Harris (anti-religous atheist)

It's a tangle of dissimilar people but they to have some commonalities.
She cheated on the main stream media?

Get the brand ready.

It's a tangle of dissimilar people but they to have some commonalities.

Tolerance for diversity of ideas and a willingness for open dialogue. Not a bad tribe to belong to methinks.
Honestly it was a pretty depressing thing to read, she should seek help. Not trying to be a dick, she seems like she has some issues with depression and the like.

More like Meghan Dumb, amirite?
Intellectual dark web? People really need to get out of their houses more.
Intellectual dark web? People really need to get out of their houses more.

Also, isn't the dark web like shit that is beneath the surface or somehow hidden? All of these dudes host their videos on YouTube.
Do I need to spend time listening to all these asshats before I conclude they are asshats?
Also, isn't the dark web like shit that is beneath the surface or somehow hidden? All of these dudes host their videos on YouTube.
They've also been guests on MSM programs multiple times in most cases, I believe.
Rogan is far better at the long form podcast than Rubin. He's not there to find a gotcha moment but he will push back against his guests at times while still giving them time to flesh out their ideas.
I wanted to respond the this - I agree with you, Rogan let's his guests flesh out their ideas

But he had some guy on a few weeks ago, Shooter Jennings, and he stepped all over this guy. Wouldnt let him finish his thoughts or make points, and when he finally did Rogan would shit on him. It was right after the alex jones thing and shooter was just trying to say "silencing is not right"

Cant lie it kinda pissed me off. The only other time I've seen him do that was at times with Eddie bravo. It almost did seem like he had had a "talking to" from someone, telling him not to entertain certain things
Its very hard to take the term "intellectual dark web" seriously when people like Dave Rubin are apparently a part of it
I only came into this thread to figure out what the "intellectual dark web" was. Leaving sad that it's just a bunch of people talking about shit for the sake of talking about shit.
she should have had an affair with intellectual dark cock
Can we all agree that "intellectual dark web" is one of the cringiest terms in recent memory that needs to be forgotten as soon as possible?

Also here's the author

Looks like quite the battleslut doesn't she @waiguoren?

Kinda looks like Taylor Schilling and Reese Witherspoon had kids together.