More talented athlete: Usain Bolt or Jon Jones?

Jon is awesome, but Bolt's achievements in sprinting are nothing short of insane. In b4 PED criticism.

Agreed. Only MMA fans will say otherwise.
They dont know any better. Cant see outside of their own 4 walls.
Depends on what you mean by talent. Innate physical ability? Bolt is one of the most athletically gifted humans ever, much moreso than even JBJ who is one of the most gifted MMA fighters ever. This is, however, specific to their sport. Bolt's body isn't as suited to fighting as JBJ's is, but it's the absolute ideal for sprinting, just as JBJ's is for fighting.

In terms of skill, obviously JBJ is in a completely different realm from Bolt. Sprinting takes next to no skill. Yes, there's certainly technique involved, but anyone can learn to be a sprinter with enough training, their only real limitation will be what their body can provide. Fighting is a totally different animal, there are so many factors both tangible and intangible that comparing them is just impossible. One is a skill sport (MMA), the other is a pure work sport (sprinting).

The last factor is, I guess, work ethic. Given that racing events are pretty much 100% based on how much work you put in combined with the body you're born with, it's easy to assume that Bolt has a better work ethic than JBJ. That combined with the fact that we know JBJ has been subject to bouts of laziness and atrophy means that Bolt almost certainly has a better work ethic. However, that isn't really talent as it's popularly defined.

Overall, JBJ is more "talented" in terms of the intangibles that make a fighter what they are. Bolt is a product of having the absolute perfect body for the sport he's in combined with the work ethic to maximize what he was born with. A lot of it comes down to how you define "talent" in regard to sports.

Also, they both use PEDs. You're kidding yourself if you don't think every Olympic athlete (in a sport where they provide a substantial benefit) aren't, they just have incredibly sophisticated and thorough programs that ensure that they'll never get caught. These athletes have the resources of entire countries behind them, beating WADA tests is trivial for them.

Dont agree with the sprinting.

Hes the fastest man in the WORLD.
Him. Just him. No one else.
Thats saying something.
Jones was doing all types of unorthodox difficult striking techniques that take a long time to learn in a very short amount of time. Who else has done that, PEDs dont have anything to do with that.
I watched a documentary on Usain Bolt and I was blown away by his work ethic and commitment to excellence.
does PED use factor in this discussion? I think if Jon Jone's took more roids than he would of outshined Bolt

I find that hard to believe. Olympic athletes are possibly the dirtiest in all of sports.

Jones was doing all types of unorthodox difficult striking techniques that take a long time to learn in a very short amount of time. Who else has done that, PEDs dont have anything to do with that.

Lol. Jones is not some striking phenom, his technique has never been that great.


In before lighting, camera angle, etc.

Emmanuel Yarbrough was the most A-level of A-level athletes EVERRRRRR


May he rest in peace

Emmanuel Yarbrough was the most A-level of A-level athletes EVERRRRRR


May he rest in peace

Manny actually was a very good athlete, he was an All American wrestler for three years for Morgan State, placed 2nd in judo nationals, All American offensive tackle for Morgan State and obviously a very decorated sumo wrestler..unfortunately, the guy just couldn't stop eating.
Track and field is just as dirty as mma.

All athletes are on peds.

I'll take an mma fighter over someone who runs fast in a straight line for 10 seconds though when determining who is the better athlete.

Have someone trying to punch or take bolt down while he is racing though and I may change my opinion.

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