Mike Tyson unloved in the Heavies(forum)

Mike Tyson was a fucking monster, as well rounded as GSP is I don't think he'd survive a single Tyson hook.
i only had to skim one page to be embarrassed



seriously, where the fuck do you idiots come up with this shit. it's dumb to pose impossible hypotheticals like that but even dumber to come up with nearly impossible outcomes and trying to back up retarded opinions with even more retarded 'evidence'

i'm afraid to read any more of this thread because i don't want a stomach ulcer
Well at least we know Tyson has extensive experience inside the guard.
Considering the fact that Joe Rogan would beat James Toney, Pre-Serra GSP would probably beat Tyson.

In boxing, Tyson would probably KO GSP round 4 maybe

First of all, Joe Rogan would get destroyed by Toney, Rogan isn't a fighter.

Pre-Serra GSP what...? That doesn't even make sense.

You think it would take Tyson 4 rounds to KO GSP in boxing? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Good lord this website is full of retards.
yeah, the GSP lasting 4 rounds in boxing thing is just plain retarded.
51 pages of nonsense. Simply put, Tyson would DESTROY Gsp ... for life ! To even HINT otherwise is ludacris ! What the merry fuck's wrong with some of you ??
GSP wins in an MMA fight, no question.

Post one gif of Mike Tyson sprawling.
GSP wins in an MMA fight
Prime Tyson kills him in a Boxing match
i blame the Gracie Jiujitsu propaganda videos for all these kids talking about ground fighting/take downs and what not. What was the statistic that was spread ( though still UNCONFIRMED ) that "90%" of fights end up on the ground? I dont know how true that its.

How ever what i do know is that 100% of fights start standing up. CONFIRMED!

Just how in the hell is GSP going to get a TAKE DOWN?

Is he going to FEINT a jab and try to fool Mike and then shoot in for a TD? HA!

Is he going to suddenly leap in for the double, against a world champion boxer who is very familiar with DISTANCE and TIMING , since they are fundamental aspects of BOXING and since the fact that Mike had to often fight fighters with a much longer reach than his, so he had to be extremley precise with his movements and how he gauges DISTANCE and TIMING.

Is GSP going to leap under one of mikes jabs? HA! Good luck with that. GSP will suffer a broken rib and then get his head knocked clean off by a trademark Iron MIke Tyson hook to the body, uppercut to the chin. AND IT IS ALL OVER...!!!

It would be the 1st death in the octagon.

i mean look at this ridiculous thread.


Ive had enough entertainment for one night. im off to shower!

Someone should really STICKY my post because i keep reading peoples posts about how GSP would get an easy take down.

GSP wins in an MMA fight, no question.

Post one gif of Mike Tyson sprawling.

51 pages of nonsense. Simply put, Tyson would DESTROY Gsp ... for life ! To even HINT otherwise is ludacris ! What the merry fuck's wrong with some of you ??

Its the Gracie Jiujitsu propaganda. 90% of fights end up on the ground and shit and stuff like "the grappler always wins" . These kids think boxing is based on punching and nothing else.

It aint called teh sweet science for nothing. They forget about distance, timing, leverage etc etc which most boxers are LIGHT YEARS more sensitive to than grapplers.

Even if GSP did get a take down , Iron Mike would probably KO him off his back!

Tyson with 4 ounce gloves = MURDER waiting to happen
Even if GSP did get a take down , Iron Mike would probably KO him off his back!

You had me till this...lol Prime Tyson was one of the baddest mofo's on the planet but if he's on his back, he isn't knocking anyone out. I don't care if he's completely bare-fisted because it doesn't work that way, different body mechanics. Having said that GSP would likely get decapitated as soon as came near him
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Someone should really STICKY my post because i keep reading peoples posts about how GSP would get an easy take down.

Its the Gracie Jiujitsu propaganda. 90% of fights end up on the ground and shit and stuff like "the grappler always wins" . These kids think boxing is based on punching and nothing else.

It aint called teh sweet science for nothing. They forget about distance, timing, leverage etc etc which most boxers are LIGHT YEARS more sensitive to than grapplers.

Even if GSP did get a take down , Iron Mike would probably KO him off his back!

Tyson with 4 ounce gloves = MURDER waiting to happen
what are you talking about bro?

distance, timing, footwork wtf is all this bullshit?

you are just making shit up, everyone knows that boxing is just one dimensional good old fashioned pillow fighting repackaged for men where as ultimate fightin' is REAL fighting, ask joe rogan or dana white if you don't believe me.

just bleed.
LMAO @ tyson fighting GSP. are you guys fucking retarded? it would never happen even if mike tyson was doing MMA. no shit he would get destroyed.
Only way I would see GSP winning against a prime Tyson is by submission or a LnP decision. But I don't think he would get the takedown and within the first minute or two Tyson win's by KO.
Okay guys, next thread idea:

Joe Rogan vs prime Muhammed Ali


Prime Joe Lauzon vs Velociraptor
what are you talking about bro?

distance, timing, footwork wtf is all this bullshit?

you are just making shit up, everyone knows that boxing is just one dimensional good old fashioned pillow fighting repackaged for men where as ultimate fightin' is REAL fighting, ask joe rogan or dana white if you don't believe me.

just bleed.

Sorry bro, i havent gotten over my violent crack habit yet. The pipe is hanging off my lip at this very second ;[

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