Men age better than women but women live longer than men. Can you explain it?

I see women in their 30s freaking out that they are getting old, and aren't married with kids yet. thats whats causes the aging
There's a great paradox about male and females that's hard to make sense of.

1) Men tend to age better than women. If you look at the average 40 year old man, he will tend to look better than the average 40 year old woman.

2) Women live longer than men. All available statistics bare this out. Even when you narrow it down to race, nationality, culture, income etc. within every subcategory women on average live longer than men.

So how do you explain the great male-female paradox of men aging better than women but women living longer than men?

1- Not sure we can claim it as a fact, even if i agree look wise women need youth much more than us

Male attractiveness is based also on look manly, that not only don't goes away with age, but may even (and usually does) increase
Female attractiveness is waaay more based on look young and fresh, and that kind of look vanish fast with age
Sure, some may prefer milf gimmick, but most of us would pick girl in her 20s as ideal fuck material
Also on subconscious/reproduction instinct level we're likely designed to be more attracted to young females because they're more fertile

2- I believe lifestyle play huge role
Men on average drink more, smoke more, eat more food (so bad one too) and reach greater weight/fat, have overall physically rougher life (sure female give birth but is rare episode in life) including physical effort, heavy work, maybe dangerous stuff, high stress, often have greater exposure to harsh climate. Drive more wich lead to greater chance of crash, to not count stress and greater exposure to pollution. Eventually may even be called to fight in wars

And probably i'm missing lot more... do it for decades and all that shit have a price on the body, would not be surprised if it have the effect of shorten our time by 3-4 years

Add possible disease that affect a gender more than the other, like heart attack iirc kills way more men than women
And some link to list above, like heavier smoker gender is more likely to get lungs cancer, heavier drinker liver one etc
Men lead more dangerous lives usually we end up getting killed in all sorts of crazy ways or having our body breaking down from work.
It means you’re just attracted to older men, not that they age better. What a way to find out you’re gay.
Younger women tend to be attracted to older men not because of physical appearance but because older guys tend to be more financially secure and overall more mature and settled down.
bad statistics.
take 100 women doing office jobs and 100 men doing office jobs and the statistical difference melt away.
generally men have the shitty, risky jobs, and are more cavalier about their health.
if you'd take a number of women and a number of men with comparable jobs and lifestyles, the numbers would probably end up being almost the same.

and if one dies at 87 and the other at 83, it's still a difference being made at the shitty years period. it's not like women get to be 20 ten more years than men.
Who said men age better than women again? I'ma call BS on that one.
Women lead less stressful lives so they live longer. They are also shorter and weigh less than men which is correlated with longevity.

Very simple imo.
Younger women tend to be attracted to older men not because of physical appearance but because older guys tend to be more financially secure and overall more mature and settled down.
What a sad, boring and telling take.
wasnt it a man who was the oldest person ever?
lol men do not age better than women....Its a reason why we need fcking TRT like after like the age of 55...
I do agree, men age better in their 30's and 40s, but after that...its all downhill from there.
There has to be more to it than that. Black women have thinner skin than white dudes probably but black women definitely age better

The idea that bw age so well is hyper not true.

Literally, how many bw do you closely know?
More men do more dangerous things than women.

If men were able to sit back and coast off of women that number would probably be way closer the same.
Already been answered so I'm just gonna say this is a revelation of why I like Asian and Black chicks.
I'm interested to know the statistics once you factoring in occupation choice and life style choices, who lives longer.
I look young for 37.

Yet I’m currently laying in bed drinking beer at 2:20pm.
Is that what your mum tells you?

I hear middle aged 35 year old men saying they look young all the time, and then you see them and they look like shriveled ballsacks