Man Lady Gaga is one ugly dude

Nah, they wanted Dallas Winston
can confirm lol
he was a skinny white boy
and id need to kick his ass for being a jerk





mhmm, the troubled bad boy LOL
Lady Gaga could get it.
Always thought she was kind of weird looking. Kinda obvious with the caked on makeup and costumes.
So "she's" going back to being a man now?
So "she's" going back to being a man now?
Lol come on, I've seen WAY more masculine faces than Gagas. Little odd looking but a big nose doesn't make her a man.
My jaw is not recessed like the first one, but closer to the second.

EDIT: I had a hairline fracture on my jaw from an accident in the 5th grade; also broke my orbit. That may have some something.

yeah thats probably why your jaw was held back from becoming square and symmetrical, you said your kids all have great jawlines and symmetry so your jaw was not genetically like that it was from an accident from youth.



cutie even without eyebrows lol

i mean, her face isn't perfect, but she is still an attractive woman.
not sure why you people feel the need to tear other people down.
it's very unnecessary and an ugly thing to do.

Dicaprio disagrees he looked at her like she had da cooties
Kinda look like michael jackson
I honestly never paid attention to her until I saw her season of American Horror Story. Her music isn't my thing but she does have a rocking body.
She's a legit artist through and through. You can't fake what drives her.
She's a legit artist through and through. You can't fake what drives her.
I really admire Gagas artistic abilities. Everything she does, she’s just so creative and expressive. Her fashion, her videos, her live performances and concerts.
can confirm lol
he was a skinny white boy
and id need to kick his ass for being a jerk





mhmm, the troubled bad boy LOL

Where has Dillon been? Does he even act anymore? Anybody?
Where has Dillon been? Does he even act anymore? Anybody?
I think Ben Affleck came along and took all his roles

Last time I remember seeing Matt Dillon was in Something about Mary alongside his real life girlfriend at the time Cameron Diaz