Magnesium Carbonate, 4oz Gloves, and Sledgehammers

Nice job on the PRs! Why does it not count in PL comps. if it dips? That definitely looks like it makes it harder.


IIRC, in PL comps, the lift's supposed to be one smooth motion. With the weight used by higher level guys, at least on bench, it's probably for safety as much as anything: spotter generally grab it as soon as it starts to fall so the lifter doesn't get pinned to the bench or worse.
Ah, I see, makes sense now! Whatever, its badass on here!:icon_chee
Wow! Wicked work, buddy! You're a whole lot stronger than I thought. Nice bench, squat, dead, cat, package. Nice jurb!

Nice job on the PRs! Why does it not count in PL comps. if it dips? That definitely looks like it makes it harder.

No downward motion is allowed in any of the lifts. Also, his butt came off the bench which would make it illegal, and his feet moved as well (also illegal) He still did it, and still counts in my book, though.

EDIT: Oops, see your 505 DL is from last year, lol! What do you estimate your 1RM to be now?
You bench more than me. But not for long
Wow! Wicked work, buddy! You're a whole lot stronger than I thought. Nice bench, squat, dead, cat, package. Nice jurb!

No downward motion is allowed in any of the lifts. Also, his butt came off the bench which would make it illegal, and his feet moved as well (also illegal) He still did it, and still counts in my book, though.

EDIT: Oops, see your 505 DL is from last year, lol! What do you estimate your 1RM to be now?

Thanks, bud. Yeah, that layoff definitely deflated my numbers quite a bit, but I believe I've recovered any strength I lost... Obviously I've even made some gains.

I was quite close to hitting 545 for a DL last year, too... My DL is probably the only thing that may not be where it was a year ago, but some of that is hand strength due to just doing ZDLs for awhile, as well as not doing full DLs for lack of weight. Planning to test OHP and DL Saturday.

You bench more than me. But not for long

Not ss long as my bench doesn't stagnate for another 3 years...
Oh, yeah. Likkuid, you mentioned my feet moving: I actually pulled my hamstrings a bit on that 305 bench... My left one was sore directly after, and the right one was sore a short time later... That's a new PR, too.
Warm-up – Int/Ext shoulder rotations, a little empty bar work (OHS, power snatch)

Snatch Grip DL
135 x5

Power Snatch
135 xY – not sure how many singles I did; I took some video but didn't video all the reps

Power Clean and Jerk
135 xZ – again, didn’t keep track of reps, less than I did for snatches, though.

Snatch Grip DL
225 x5

Conventional DL
315 x5 (DOH)
405 x1 (mixed)
425 x1
445 x1 (+belt)
465 x1
485 x1
505 x1
535 x Fail x3

465, 485, 505

Break to help take 2 trees down next to the house and do some songwriting. Will do overhead later or tomorrow

- Power snatch felt pretty good, but I'd appreciate any form critiques. Same with DL.
- Using hook grip on the snatch grip DL convinced me that I need to toughen up my thumbs.
- Grip held up really well for DL. Considering I had a hard time holding onto 405 a few weeks ago when I got my plates, even with a mixed grip, I’m quite happy. Extra gripper work, a little levering, extra (unrecorded) pull-ups, and PVC DL/holds must’ve helped a lot.
- 505 felt pretty easy compared to other times that I’ve ever pulled it, I think.
- Or maybe not, since 535 didn’t even get off the floor.
- First time deadlifts have ever given me a blister on the palm of my hands.
Warm-up – Int/Ext shoulder rotations, chain breakers, arm circles, dynamic leg stretches

45 x15
95 x8
135 x5
155 x3
175 x1
195 x1

215 x1
235 x FAIL
235 x1 – +10lb PR; clipped my chin with the bar, but got it
245 x1 - +20lb PR

Rope Pull-ups
BW x6
BW x6
BW x6

- Had to really fight the strict 195, especially my left side
- Camera battery died as I began the power clean for 195… :-/
- OHP is strict; Overhead is probably somewhere between a jerk and a push press
- First 235 I didn’t get moving enough and had to drop too far to catch it and didn’t.
- Just about failed 245, but was able to get it
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Nice work
Nice job on the overhead! Getting it even after hitting yourself in the face - that's dedication.
Thanks. Although, as far as dedication, it didn't completely occur to me that it hit me until I was already in the middle of making the catch and fighting to keep the weight overhead... I'd say that I have a better chin than I may have though, but it definitely was a gazing shot, since the bar didn't really slow down... My chin is still a little sore, though.
5x2min rounds of Bas All-Around Fighting, 1 min rest in between; skipped a few combos in the beginning, did slightly more than every other combo the last round

Also did some power roundhouse kicks at varying heights on the bag as a finisher.
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2nd time ever lifting in the morning. like 5 years in between. Not quite as early a start as last time, IIRC.

Warm-up – chain breakers, arm circles

75 x5
125 x5

155 x5
195 x5

228.75 x5
248.75 x5
265 x5
281.25 x8 (+belt & wraps)

225 x20

Bench (paused)
45 x10
135 x5
195 x5
210 x5
223.75 x5
238.75 x8 (TNG, +wrist wraps & belt)


1 x4min Tabata punching


- Tried the wrist wraps on squat after reading Enright’s posts in likkuid’s log. Not sure how much it helped, but I’m sure it didn’t hurt.
- Although I’ve heard of a benching belt, not sure how much, if any, using my belt on bench helped it.
- My legs were shot during BORs
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Int/Ext shoulder rotations (bumped up from 20 to 30 reps each)

135 x5
185 x5
228.75 x5
248.75 x5
265 x5
281.25 x6

315 x5
365 x5

Shrugs (+ straps)
405 x8
405 x8

SOHP (paused)
45 x15
95 x8
125 x5
135 x5
145 x5
153.75 x8 (+ wraps)

185 x1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Rope Pull-Ups
BW x8
BW x8
BW x8
BW x8

- Started lifting between rounds on the UFC card… Makes for a long workout.
- ZDLs felt pretty good.
- Still curling the weight too much on Power Cleans
- 5 singles on the PC&J
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Warm-up – Int/Ext shoulder rotations, chain breakers, arm circles, leg swings, roundhouse kicks

75 x8
135 x5

185 x5
225 x4

263.75 x3
281.25 x3
297.5 x7 (+ belt & wrist wraps)

230 x15 (failed 20)

Bench (paused)
45 x20
135 x5
200 x3
223.75 x3
238.75 x3
252.5 x6 (TNG, +wraps)

100 x20


- 135 OHS felt much better than last time I tried it.
- Shoulda thought about the woman being in FL this week when I started losing momentum on what shoulda been a 20 repper set on squats.
Also decided to do some grip work:

PVC DLs & Static hold
45 x 20 count
55 x 20 count
65 x 20 count
Hit the tire with my sledgehammer for awhile this evening... Worked in intervals. Not sure entirely how long or anything like that. Just kinda went by feel.
Warm-up – int/ext shoulder rotations, chain breakers, arm circles, leg swings

135 x8
225 x5
263.75 x3
281.25 x3
297.75 x8

365 x3 (DOH)
405 x3 (first 2 mixed grip, 3rd DOH)

455 x10 (+ straps)

SOHP (paused)
45 x15
95 x6
143.75 x3
153.75 x3
162.5 x8 (+ wraps, TNG)

185 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Rope Pull-ups (dead hang)
+30 x3
+40 x3
+50 x3
+60 x4
BW x10

Tabata punching – 1x4 min

Some more bag work. Didn’t really watch the time. Just worked some combos and power/technique kicking.


- Was going to lift tomorrow, but Dad wants to work on cutting up firewood in the morning, and the woman will be back from FL, so we’re spending the rest of the day together.
Warm-up – Int/Ext shoulder rotations, chain breakers, arm circles, leg swings, kicks

75 x8
135 x8

185 x5
225 x3

248.75 x5
281.25 x3
315 x5 (+belt, wrist wraps)

Bench (paused)
45 x20
135 x8
185 x5
210 x5
238.75 x3
266.25 x3 (TNG, +wraps)

100 x20
110 x20
120 x15

Ring Push-ups

1 x4min round Tabata punching

Warm-up – Int/ext shoulder rotations, chain breakers, arm circles, leg swings, axe kicks, 20x BW squats

135 x5
185 x5
225 x5
248.75 x5
281.25 x3
315 x6

385 x3 (first rep DOH, all mixed after)
435 x1
455 x1

SOHP (Paused)
45 x15
95 x8
135 x5
153.75 x3
171.25 x5 (TNG, +wrist wraps)

PC & J
185 x1, 1
205 x1, 1
225 x1, 1

Rope Pull-ups
BW x8
+30 x5
+50 x3
+60 x5

~30 minutes of rolling with the neighbor kid


~30 minute jog

- The PCs @ 225 were extremely ugly… More of a power curl/upright row
- Jog was extremely slow in many places (like I was almost jogging in place) because my neighbor kid went with me and he was already pretty gassed from rolling
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