Movies LOTR vs Star Wars Original

LOTR vs Star Wars

  • LOTR

  • Star Wars

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They bought the rights off of Lucas for $4bn I believe......played it safe with VII, which hit huge. Then for some reason gave complete control to a random, who took a risk which hugely backfired. $4bn and they didn't have a plan mapped out from the start? Mental.

Again I think it was actually VII that set them on the path to destruction, its just an utterly empty film, nothing but a cheap nostalgia diversion and the trouble with nostalgia is it doesnt last.

People would tolerate that for one film coming off of the prequels but it was always doomed to failiure as the basis for a franchise. The original film has gravitas, serious adult drama to them were as the sequels had very little.

I mean really Kylo Ren in Last Jedi is probably just about the only substance to the whole trilogy even if the Luke story is so badly botched. Rey and Finn are just nothing characters, they should be greeting you at the enterance to a theme park ride not headlining a blockbuster film.

Thats nothing to do with inclusivity either, Rogue One managed to have a female lead with substance not a focus grouped Mary Sue.
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The hiring of JJ Abrams was one of the biggest mistakes in recent hollywood history IMHO, it basically condemed the sequels to be a nostalgic diversion, to make good short term return with little effort but to badly damage the franchise.

That and having no continuity between all 3.........the complete saga needed to be written first. Changing writers between each film and letting them do what they want is incompetence beyond words.
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Give this maniac an egg his other one’s been eaten. Listen I like THE HOBBIT but that singing is terrible and Peter Jackson needs to edit himself. This Tolkien crap is unfit for film.
Nope,its the shit,and i hum that shit DAILY

medieval fantasy > scifi fantasy, because fuck scifi

Said that, i like SW, old ones in particular
It's just one of those weird things, my brain won't allow me to watch certain types of genres or movies sometimes. I've always been weird in this way....
way to miss out on 10,000 cultural references,bud.
way to miss out on 10,000 cultural references,bud.

It was weird growing up in the 80's since so many of my friends were Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader for Halloween. I'd usually be Rambo, Rocky, Hulk Hogan or Chuck Norris...
Again I think it was actually VII that set them on the path to destruction, its just an utterly empty film, nothing but a cheap nostalgia diversion and the trouble with nostalgia is it doesnt last.

People would tolerate that for one film coming off of the prequels but it was always doomed to failiure as the basis for a franchise. The original film has gravitas, serious adult drama to them were as the sequels had very little.

I mean really Kylo Ren in Last Jedi is probably just about the only substance to the whole trilogy even if the Luke story is so badly botched.

I don't think it would have, though. If they played it safe, people would have been okay with it I guess, if not underwhelmed.

As much as I love the OT saying it had "gravitas, serious adult drama" is pushing it, imo. It was largely a basic story done very well. Nothing hugely complex there. If anything I'd argue they tried to add more of it into the prequels, but Lucas's lacklustre writing and directing failed miserably.
LOTR is much better, this shouldn't be a question.
I think LOTR were better movies but Star Wars left a bigger impact on cinema. If someone asked me which one to watch some random night it'd be for sure lotr even though they're quite long.
This pretty much says it for me.
Star Wars was iconic, era defining.

LOTR was well made and pretty good, if not a little dull at times.

PJ>>>>>>>>GL, but Lucas hit gold.

I'm guessing there'll be a generational gap here.....40+ majority = Star Wars, under 40 = LOTR
Early 30s here and voted for star wars. Never liked lotr
I enjoyed the more recent star wars movies more than the prequels but really hated how they pussed out in the last movie,just throwing palpatine in there cos they RAN OUT OF IDEAS and were scrambling.
Revenge of the sith and attack of the clones were better than the new ones
Revenge of the sith and attack of the clones were better than the new ones
attack of the clones is probably the worst of the bunch.

The only thing I really liked in that one was when Obi wan goes to the clone facility.
Tough call. Love both. Empire is the best movie between all of them but Jedi is easily the worst.

I think I'd have to give it to Star Wars but that may just because it's older and has a higher nostalgia factor.
LOTR is mostly dialogue.

Star wars is fantastic.

Easy poll.


First movie has a lot of dialogue I’ll give you that. Almost half of the two towers is the battle of helms deep and ROTK has like 45 minutes of battle scenes lol.
LOTR movies were pretty good, but not great. Feel like everyone overplays their greatness, the books are infinitely better.

Star Wars movies were good, but very cheesy and not very original.; something that is nicer to have on as background noise and occasionally tuning in than actively watching the whole thing.

Guess I will go with LOTR

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