Lina Lansberg Superstar v1.0

She's an awkward fighter. Not an athlete in any sense of the word. She's a 135er so she's going to be outweighed by 20+ lbs. She has no power in her hands. She has no ground game. She's not even early prelim worthy, much less a headliner. She's only fought in amateur level organizations against amateur level opponents. She's only had 7 pro fights. She has no chance of winning unless Cyborg breaks her leg walking to the octagon. This fight is a joke.
Come on, you're acting like she had no fighting experience before these 7 mma fights.

After all, she is a double gold medalist and also double silver medalist in Muay Thai WC.

People will be surprised.
Lina is the only reason I will watch this fight. Cyborg has been fighting cans. Lina is not a can.
I would love seeing her get that win.
I'm definitely hoping for a fight past the first round. The weight cut and gas tank issue make this an interesting fight. Go Lina!
It would be awesome if she somehow wins this. Jorina baars did it in muay thai but im not sure she is on that level.
Only a few hours until Cyborg is deactivated.
Which card will the Superstar be headlining next?

Maybe she will be a shoop and gif superstar by getting spectacularly knocked out and pulling a funny KO face.
Lina is ready to throw down any place, any time, anyhow.
Here she is ready to throw down with some random on the street just for taking a photo!


This was probably the mean streets of Malmo where Lina trains, which according to political experts such as can be found in the Sherdog War Room is the toughest place in the world to be a woman. Lina is going to elbow dat favela privilege out of silver-spoon Cyborg. Always back the rougher, hungrier fighter.

Third grenade attack in a week rocks Malmö

She's an awkward fighter. Not an athlete in any sense of the word. She's a 135er so she's going to be outweighed by 20+ lbs. She has no power in her hands. She has no ground game. She's not even early prelim worthy, much less a headliner. She's only fought in amateur level organizations against amateur level opponents. She's only had 7 pro fights. She has no chance of winning unless Cyborg breaks her leg walking to the octagon. This fight is a joke.
Here's a short documentary on Cyborg's career....

She's cute and Cryroid is a cheater with a sense of entitlement. Plus, she's not attractive and she's in front of her home town crowd. Would love to see her KOed.

War Lansberg, someone I've admittedly never heard of until now!

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