Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

Tbf, you are very ranty and your thoughts tend to meander, so if anybody actually wanted to respond to ALL of your thoughts they’d be at it all day and have to compose a tome nobody here would read.

Moreover, generally if somebody doesn’t have an issue with a particular portion of your rant, why would they address that point? You want kudos for not being ALL wacky?

Ok.... pretend he prefaced his response with this. “You make some valid points, but you also say some things that would be considered highly offensive to trans people, such as...”

To me, I think you’re both interesting and generally positive posters, so don’t get me wrong, I’m not attacking you.

To the point...would YOU fuck Boebert in a dirty bathroom stall? I’d make a poll if I could ;)

Go back and read the 15 or 20 posts we've exchanged. He has not addressed most of the things I have said and is misrepresented me too.

I'm sorry but I just disagree with your assessment which I don't think you came to by really reading carefully.

And to be honest, I don't think that offending a trans person is or should be considered a mortal sin. They're just human beings and some positions from some trans people are crazy and it's okay just to point that out and if it hurts their feelings it's not intentional, but it's also something that must be done in order to discuss ideas. This notion that we have to tiptoe around any group's feelings at the expense of discussing facts has to go.

Is this trans-person transphobic too? she thinks separate spaces are the ONLY reasonable answer and that women should never be expected to shoulder this burden. what a transphobe!!!

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No one called you a bigot. But you are a hostile actor against them and against their wants. That’s just true. Pretending here that you’re the one on their side and represent their wants and views is laughable. You use inflammatory rhetoric (violent men invading) and derogatory language (dude, he, men). You’re not on their side. You’re on the other side. Which you’re entitled to.

Again I asked you to back up your views that you suggest are based on statistical fact but you don’t seem to want to answer.

I’ll ask again. Are rapists more likely to rape random people because trans women have access to womens spaces and is there evidence this is happening.

And do multiples more rapes actually happen at the hands of prison employees than from trans women?

I'm not anti-trans and I'm not working against their interests. That's just a lie. You tell about me in bad faith which is why I've stopped speaking with you.

here is a basic list of my thoughts on the topic. If this is anti trans then your categorization is dishonest.

I am for

transgender rights to transition

be protected from violence
protected from discrimination in the workplace, for getting loans, buying homes, renting apparptments, getting placement in colleges.

their right to be called trans men or trans women. (unless they cry racism and weakness and fragility when a group doesn't agree with them).

all single use restrooms to be made gender neutral

all employee restrooms opened up to trans people for use

tax funded third spaces ie restrooms, locker rooms, prisons, shelters etc

serious diologue and questioning of the entire premise promoted by many trans activists philosophically and statistically and legally and socially and psychologically. lots of problems are not being addressed due to instant and often violent protests when anyone says anything at all that is not in full step with trans activists.

i am against
--self ID and laws that are similar that make claiming to be transgender too easy with no burden of proof of sincerity. a process that requires the signature of a psychologist backing claims of trans people needs to be put into place and that needs to take a decent amount of time to go through. cannot and should not be a whim. must make a real attempt to "pass" as transgender.

-- affirmative care.
--men in womens prisons
--men in womens shelters
--men in womens sports teams
--men in womens changing rooms

--men getting subsidies and entitlements that are meant for women ie the uk requires a certain number of women are represented on corporate boards and government positions. men should not get those positions or available funding but they are and have.

i am against men who decide to be women being called "women". that designation is already taken. they cannot have the terms male or female or man or woman and i reject the cis label outright. the hypocrisy of a group demanding that their pronouns are respected and then designating and changing mine against my will is hypocritical.

i am against calling bigotry and racism every single time someone does not go along with every single view and position of trans rights activists.

i am against linguistic and philosophical attempts to obfuscate the biological differences and distinctions between men and women in our language and our thinking.
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I'm not anti-trans and I'm not working against their interests. That's just a lie. You tell about me in bad faith which is why I've stopped speaking with you.
You’re simply delusional if you think a trans person reading your words in this thread would consider you an advocate and a friend.
You’re simply delusional if you think a trans person reading your words in this thread would consider you an advocate and a friend.

A trans woman who I just posted a video above says the same words and more. Of course you'll just say that person is a transphobe!
So, just double down and repeat yourself. That sounds about right.

I do not give a fuck what you think about Trans issues, right or wrong, but somehow you’ve got your feelers hurt. Sorry bud, best of luck.
So, just double down and repeat yourself. That sounds about right.

I do not give a fuck what you think about Trans issues, right or wrong, but somehow you’ve got your feelers hurt. Sorry bud, best of luck.

I literally have no idea what you're talking about. Swing and a miss.
A trans woman who I just posted a video above says the same words and more. Of course you'll just say that person is a transphobe!
she transitioned late. she has children who know her as their father. she wants to take away your power to insult her.

that doesn't mean that she's in your camp. she presents as a woman. she just doesn't care if you don't accept her as one.

and again, i didn't call you a transphobe and she clearly isn't. but she's not on your side.
she transitioned late. she has children who know her as their father. she wants to take away your power to insult her.

that doesn't mean that she's in your camp. she presents as a woman. she just doesn't care if you don't accept her as one.

and again, i didn't call you a transphobe and she clearly isn't. but she's not on your side.
she transitioned late. she has children who know her as their father. she wants to take away your power to insult her.

that doesn't mean that she's in your camp. she presents as a woman. she just doesn't care if you don't accept her as one.

and again, i didn't call you a transphobe and she clearly isn't. but she's not on your side.

She shares the exact opinions I do but somehow im an enemy to the movement and she isn't?....


@kflo I'm on her side though.
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Go back and read the 15 or 20 posts we've exchanged. He has not addressed most of the things I have said and is misrepresented me too.

I'm sorry but I just disagree with your assessment which I don't think you came to by really reading carefully.

And to be honest, I don't think that offending a trans person is or should be considered a mortal sin. They're just human beings and some positions from some trans people are crazy and it's okay just to point that out and if it hurts their feelings it's not intentional, but it's also something that must be done in order to discuss ideas. This notion that we have to tiptoe around any group's feelings at the expense of discussing facts has to go.

Is this trans-person transphobic too? she thinks separate spaces are the ONLY reasonable answer and that women should never be expected to shoulder this burden. what a transphobe!!!

You keep posting that video , how is her opinion more valid than a different transperson saying the opposite?
You keep posting that video , how is her opinion more valid than a different transperson saying the opposite?

i didn't make that case. i just showed that it is possible to have every single one of my opinions and not be a trans-phobe or a bigot or an enemy of trans ideology as if there is some consensus among trans people on what that all is.

mostly im arguing against calling names and denigrating supposedly hidden motives if positions are out of lockstep with the extreme left of the movement.
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