In before Trumptards start in on Krauthammer being either a liberal plant or just a secret liberal because he was critical of daddy.

Too late, there goes another thread. Never let a dead person or a war hero keep you from smearing in the name of daddy.
Cry more neocon
Just watched a couple hours worth of memorials, touching. Said he loved people and developed relationships with everyone he could. Even the liberals ( the camp he actually started in) had nothing but praise for the man. They said he would challenge you on ideas but was never rude or made it personal. Intellectual giant, living as an humble, caring man. RIP

If there was a hell he would be roasting there now.
Rip, but this man looked like a turtle or some proto-mammal like dimetrodon or a gorgonopsid.
The only good kraut is a dead kraut!

Entschuldigen sie, that joke went sour because I’m hammered...