Khusein Khaliev threat Conor

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Checked that out myself the other day. I like do the first one more. Still very good, though, Of course. Let’s be fucking real though.. NO cartel is going to shoot you in the head ONCE. Those fucks will unload the whole clip, flay and dismember you on video and send it to whomever. They do not clean kill people. They butcher people. Literally fucking butcher to the point it makes the 3 dudes 1 hammer vid look childish and it’s VERY easy to find the proof. South America is a whooooole different game when it comes to violence/brutality as I said before. If they have an issue with you, they’ll go after your family. Most OC groups don’t so that because they even find it disgusting but Mexicans, Hondurans, Colombians, etc..? to them it’s like killing a couple chickens for dinner.

I liked Narcos about all that...
You've been watching too many movies. First of all America and Ireland are not third world countries that will just let a famous person get murdered and do nothing about it. Secondly the amount of heat this would bring would make it not worth the trouble.

unfortunately for you no i haven't been watching movies this is an actual reality worst than any movie you've ever seen. These guys do not mess around and you are an absolute fool.

Narcos was good. El Patron del mal is more accurate, though. Not as good effects but more accurate. They should make a show about the Russians. There’s been almost everything but that. Or maybe lord putin will get mad about it.
If they wait till McGregor is back on state welfare he maybe could have a problem, I mean if mike could Tyson blew 500 million 1990s $ end up with nothing Connor can for shure blow 100 million$ in no time.
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@Octupus Samurai

The drug business is the biggest business in the world and the Mexicans run most of it. It’s bigger than computers.
Before I saw McGregor completely cocked up at the presser I wouldn't believed it, but now I'm shure that 100 million he got will be spend on snow from Columbia.
People do realize Conor has angered the muslim world and they are posting pics of his home and address all over the internet and threatening him and his family right?

A couple fighters are the least of his problems.
People do realize Conor has angered the muslim world and they are posting pics of his home and address all over the internet and threatening him and his family right?

A couple fighters are the least of his problems.
He is a marketing genius!
Mad backwards cunts have a false sense of self importance.

Why am I not surprised.
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