Just broke up with my girlfriend- am I being unreasonable?

this had been the most overused gif in the last week


If the shoe was on the other foot, she would definitely not have waited for the road trip to freak out.

You were perfectly reasonable.
You handled it fine and you changed your view for the right reason. Not cause of her but because that guy is an asshole. She is stupid to think you would continue to not care once you found out he tried to have an affair with her. Either she is going to eventually feel stupid for taking her gay friends side when she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore or you are going to feel better not dealing with something so stupid or both. It's a win-win either way.
girl gives you ultimatum you have to man up and respect yourself. You did the right thing
Go Fuck them both TS its 2015 anything goes mannnnnnnn.
Peace Love Dope Man.
Recreate '68, Recreate '68

Fuckin hippie bastards
Break up with her in your mind but tell her you'll take her back so she thinks you're still dating. Meanwhile start seeing bitches on the side and looking for a replacement gf.

Basically, just do what a girl would do in this situation.

lol way too good! this guys a fukin pro fo sho!

either cut her off completely, or do what this guy says. 2 options now, not bad :)