Is putting ketchup on your eggs blasphemous?

Sakuraba is #1

Blue Belt
May 23, 2007
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Some people think adding ketchup to your eggs is childish and—like with hot dogs—shouldn't be done if you're older than 10 years old. Ketchup is too sweet and overpowers the taste of the eggs. You're essentially just eating ketchup. It is also disgusting.
Eggs are fucking nasty. That’s your first mistake.

Why is putting ketchup on your hot dog childish? Maybe on Mac and cheese. But a hot dog???
My buddy used to put ketchup all over his pizza, I had to let him go....
Ketchup tastes pretty good with scrambled eggs. It’s not how I personally eat mine but it’s not blasphemous.
Ketchup on eggs is a match made in heaven.

As far as ketchup on hotdogs, I know of only two people on earth that don’t put ketchup on their hotdogs: my dad, and Dirty Harry

Scrambled: yes
Over easy, sunnyside: worse than
I’ve told you how many times that I don’t eat eggs sooooo you’re kinda late on this bruh

You know i dont remember shit about anyone unless it embarrassing personal stuff i can burn them with later!

I been liking runny eggs in my meals lately. On burgers in ramen etc,etc<{smellit?}>
You know i dont remember shit about anyone unless it embarrassing personal stuff i can burn them with later!

I been liking runny eggs in my meals lately. On burgers in ramen etc,etc<{smellit?}>

Do you only know 3 people?

Everyone I know puts ketchup on their hotdogs. Many people I know ONLY put ketchup on their hotdogs and nothing else.

Then again, I am Canadian and Canadians evidently like ketchup more than Americans. We even have ketchup flavoured chips.

It's mandatory.
Ketchup is awesome, and people who have some kinda weird problem with it should just go all the way & join a religious fundamentalist group
If that’s what you like then who cares. It’s a decision that affects you and nobody else.
It's not for me. I've seen others eat their eggs that way and enjoyed it.