Immigrant riots in Sweden, cars burning, police fires warning shots

I respect your opinions and we have most likely reached the end of the road here but I just want to clarify something. The self-censorship in Sweden has a long history and this thread is not the time and place to go in more depths about it. So take it for what it's worth.

I think self-censorship in Sweden is not always a deliberate effort, but can be regarded as somewhat of a cultural trait as well. I would say that it spawns from the position of neutrality that the country assumed over the past couple of centuries. Avoidance of conflict is valued more so than perhaps in some other societies, which have been more war-like over the past century.
Have you ever seen immigrants so disrespectful to their host nation.

Of course it means banning them all, see those ghettos, these areas are being over populated and over stressed economically.

There seems to be some Latin/South American immigrants in the US that show general disdain, but it's also become acceptable to crap on the West for being inherently evil, so it's not really a surprise to see immigrants disrespecting it.

You could say that disrespecting your homeland is a sub-culture of sorts, so they are assimilating just fine.
There seems to be some Latin/South American immigrants in the US that show general disdain, but it's also become acceptable to crap on the West for being inherently evil, so it's not really a surprise to see immigrants disrespecting it.

You could say that disrespecting your homeland is a sub-culture of sorts, so they are assimilating just fine.

One can hardly blame the immigrants when they receive favours for taking turns to spit on the flag of their host nation.
Do these people live in the street?

From what I have read and watched a lot of them do. Apparently Sweden has a housing shortage and job shortage and as a result a lot of the immigrants/refugees do not have places to stay.
looks like Trump has that Minority Report technology. Too bad stupid Sweden didn't listen. Sad
Since libs and the media love to talk about Sweden lately, I guess this will get extensive coverage.
It's in Rinkeby, a migrant ghetto, they riot from time to time, is normal.

89.1% of the population of Rinkeby had a first- or second-generation immigrant background as of 2007.

In June 2010, Rinkeby was the scene of riots and attacks against the local police station.

In 2016 an Australian news team from 60 Minutes along with Jan Sjunnesson an editor of the far right publication Avpixlat had their camera man hit by a car when the team arrived at Rinkeby. After making journalistic contact with inhabitants, "the team gets surrounded by young, ill-tempered men. The police is present but disappear for unclear reasons immediately prior to the attack" that followed, which included hits and kicks


That's fake news
From what I have read and watched a lot of them do. Apparently Sweden has a housing shortage and job shortage and as a result a lot of the immigrants/refugees do not have places to stay.

So then why do they keep bringing people in when there are no houses and jobs for them?
Trump is a fucking Prophet.
Can predict crimes before they happen.

After Trump made those comments about Sweden libruls on other forums with echo chambers are filled with pages and pages of slamming Trump, claiming there's nothing wrong with Sweden.

It's hilarious how wrong they are. "bu-but he said yesterday and he was talking about a Terrorist attack!! 1"
NostaTrumps The great god of our times.

lol swedish shit land, making the Don right. Must be making them want to commit mass suicide.
As predicted...

I can't find it anywhere on the front page.

BUT....the all important "McCane steps up his criticism of Trump" was important enough to get covered...agenda much?

And you wonder why this shit news agency gets called fake news?
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Here are real pictures.

I don't think many people actually think that the likes of ZeroHedge are legitimate news sources. When people say "the mainstream media is no more trustworthy (or less trustworthy) than InfoWars! (or something to that effect)", it's a bit of a back-handed compliment to those kinds of news sites. Most people acknowledge that they are full of shit half of the time, but they are only beginning to acknowledge that so are the mainstream media a lot of the time.

All those pictures are fake fella!

Those are all stage actors and those burning cars are merely cardboard props!
So Trump was just hiding his psychic powers when he said "yesterday". Well played, Mr. President.
Liberals spend a good 12 hours calling Trump a corrupt liar and pretending like Sweden was a peaceful as heaven...that didn't last long. That's what happens when the MSM outlets you put all your trust and faith into ignores these stories and spends 24 hours on BS stories like "Is Trump going to start killing journalists like Hitler did???"
It must be absolutely exhausting to be a staunch "liberal" these days because you are expected to defend Islam and immigration policies that allow it to flourish at every turn. I think that's part of the reason that so many of them are so nasty and aggressively smug: they know deep down that the next terrorist attack/riot/gang rape is just around the corner and they'll be called to play white knight yet again. It has to be demoralizing, but until John Oliver or someone like that tells the hivemind that it's ok to believe your eyes, ears, instincts and common sense, they're gonna continue to debase themselves in order to defend the most backwards ideology on the planet.
Third world behavior belongs in third world countries...with these third worlders.

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