I'm 6'4" and I get a tiny bit intimidated when I run into a dude who's 6'8"+

that was an entertaining post. Reminded me of "Biff" from BTF. Did you used to be a bully back in highschool?
I hate bullies. I'm the guy who appears out of nowhere to stand up for the guy getting picked on. Always been that way, since I was young. Never started a fight in my life. Tried to avoid every fight until it was absolutely going to happen. But, I see someone bothering you - I'm in to win it. No questions asked. No return favors expected.
6'5 275 0% body fat, hung like a blue whale, graduated suma cum laude from Stanford, and M.I.T simultaneously. once Dropped Cain Velasquez in a street fight.....with a jab
I’m 6ft 195. I don’t fear height, short or tall, but I know if I have to fight, the taller guy will be harder for me in say like a bar setting. Short guys I can use my reach, and I don’t have to worry about wrestling in a bar fight.
Only thing you're gonna reach is my heart, because I love you, bro.
LOL. short men ARE intimated by tall men. short men go out of their way ALL the time to do weird things, i imagine subconsciously, to prove they aren't intimated by tall men. it's hilarious.

for example, if i encounter a tall man are walking down a hall and we see one another, we both move a little to the side to accommodate each other. No reason to dick measure or pretend there isn't room for both of us.. On the flip side, 99% of the time, if I'm walking and I encounter a short man (5'7" or shorter) he goes out of his way to pretend he doesn't see me and tries to plow through me or bump me. because he is a small crumb, i stop and smile and usually place on my hand on his small fragile shoulder and redirect him around me gently but forcefully, rather than DDT'ing him into hell. Which of course is an option as I am 6'2" and 200lbs and his face is level to my elbow.

I've been observing short guys walk around with a chip on their shoulder since i was a kid. You're short. God ran out of time when he made you. It's not my fault. Don't make me wear you like a backpack until you get manners.

You sure spend a lot of time observing other men