If you could redraw countries borders today on world what would you change? and resettle people

I wouldn't redraw borders, but I would ban religion....BAM!!!! World problems solved.

I know it's pretty fucked to say this but:

Let their tribal/group leaders war it out for half a century and go from there.
Well that's basically what has happened and both regions seem little better for it.
I think we're about to see a lot of improvement in the region in the next 20 years. Major underrated source of problems there is lead exposure, and the region only started catching up to the rest of the world on that in 1998 (meaning people born before that have issues), and that was just the beginning (Egypt led the way and others started slowly following--still a problem in Iraq and Afghanistan, though).
What's funny about parts of the developing world like Africa is that as globalization seems to become less popular in the West with the rise of anti-EU candidates in Europe and Trump populism places like Africa seek to emulate the models they're abandoning. Many still dream of a "United States of Africa", a sort of EU-like system in place for the whole continent. Still very far off(more flights out of the continent than within it for instance) but it'll be interesting to see if the developing world commit to economic and political integration more than the West given the imposition of artificial borders in places like Africa and MENA.

In other words, maybe the redrawing of borders isn't a hypothetical and we might see a de facto unification of the continent as I proposed in my first post.
Why is that divide?..I think Northern Mexico will be absolute shit compared to the other half in terms of economy...Maybe more manufacture jobs because of USA is right next to the north tho.
Kashmir would be its own country.

Punjab would be its own country.

Tibet would be its own country.

I’d remake the Ottoman Empire, but carve out a little piece for the kurds of their own.

I’d divide East and West Germany again.

North Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would be unified and independent of the UK.

Basques get their own country out of parts of Spain and France.

Scotland is independent.

Catalonia is independent.

Hong Kong is independent.

Taiwan is independent.

North and South Korea are unified.

And lastly annex Alaska and Greenland for Canada.

And that’s all I can think of right now.
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Thought this may be funny.

I give more land to the Armenains they are an oppressed people and have a really small country (fun fact they almost got more land when stalin considered annexing a good chunk of turkey that border armenia),, i give kurds some land for kurdish homeland in turkey, iran, iraq, syria, and i give israel all of west bank, sinai and jordan what they had before, i give crimea to russia obviously and parts of east ukraine since they want be part of russia anyways, i would give alaska back to russia, china would keep tibet, japan gets back sakalin islands which soviets took from them, greece gets its old cities back like izmir and Istanbul and that area, also cyprus, ukraine gives back land to hungary and romania that was historically part of them, oh and

and my favorite. US gives back its territories to mexico and mexico gives them back to spain and spain gives them back to indians. LOL oh and give canada to USA

oh and Sweden and norway combine, and Greenland gets freedom! and ethiopia gets all of east horn of africa!

Great Topic. I would give the kurds their own homeland from eastern Turkey and northern Iraq.

I would give the orkneys back to Norway.

Eastern spain and Pyrenees france could form a catalan nation.

I would give the afrikaneers their own homeland. In southern africa.

Id also give the russians eastern Ukraine.
America should be divided too. It's too big and too diverse.

Id break up the uk too. Brittany would separate from France.
Denmark back to the borders of 1389 (Kalmar union). And deport all the Swedes

How many borders in the world are merely suggestions?

If I remember correctly, South Sudan became an independent country BEFORE the borders were defined
Korea, Israel, and the whole post-partition map of northern India/Pakistan/Bangladesh. The fruits of colonialism.
United Ireland, independent Basque Country, independent Catalonia, independent Scotland, independent Cornwall and that's just for starters