If I could go out to dinner with 3 people...

Russell Brand, Stephen Fry and Donald Trump.

Then just sit back and watch as Brand and Fry rip Trump a new asshole
Charles Bukowski
Natas Kaupas
Glenn Danzig

Wonder how long it would be before Bukowski starts trolling Danzig? Would be fun.

Danzig seems a bit too volatile. I'm a huge fan and wouldn't wanna meet him.
Your mom.
Your mom's mom.
Your moms's mom's mom.

Sure, I may not get any action but if I tell a bunch of 8’s I went on a date with all three and show them pictures, well then, I’m sitting awfully pretty...
Danzig seems a bit too volatile. I'm a huge fan and wouldn't wanna meet him.
Ha, i've thought of whether i would actually say anything if i ever saw him in public. You're right, he seems a bit uptight sometimes. I'd probably say 'what's up' but would try to control the urge to rifle off a thousand questions about the Misfits.
John Calvin
John Wesley

If I had a second option
Ha, i've thought of whether i would actually say anything if i ever saw him in public. You're right, he seems a bit uptight sometimes. I'd probably say 'what's up' but would try to control the urge to rifle off a thousand questions about the Misfits.

Right ? Been a fan for 30 years, but I'd probably just thank him for the killer music
oprah, bill gates or some other rich fuck so i could tell them my sob stories and milk a mil.
not counting dead people:

1. Joe Rogan (seems like a good dude)
2. Dan Carlin (I love history and listen to his podcast a lot)
3. Quentin Tarantino (I like his movies and he seems cool to talk to)