How Much has your Rent Gone Up?

Property tax is such a scam.

I don't even mind paying it, but it shouldn't go up just because there's a housing boom. Like I'm not even planning on selling my house but now my property taxes doubled just because of a housing bubble?

1 thing Ca has right prop 13 only allows property tax to increase by 2% max each year. Cant have a crazy increase
My mortgage was paid off a long time ago
I really wanted to put that Chris Farley gif here, where he goes "well la di fricken da!" but apparently all these stupid changes to the site and I still can't post a gif over like 20kb ffs. 🙄 So just picture that here.
I don't know, but my taxes went up.

My brother-in-law bought his wife's grandfather's house last year for super cheap and put next to nothing into it and is currently renting it out for $2600/month. Netting himself like $1500 more than the mortgage each month.
In herzegowina I pay nothing, in Germany rent stayed the same but my what´s it caled electricity gass ect went down 30 euros. Though rent is generally steadily climbing in Germany. Since I picked up a mortage on another small place here, apartment or flat whatever you call that, it´s good the inflation is high cause that means I owe the bank less money as the money is less worth and wages go up.
Property tax is such a scam.

I don't even mind paying it, but it shouldn't go up just because there's a housing boom. Like I'm not even planning on selling my house but now my property taxes doubled just because of a housing bubble?
The government also screws you over to subsidize whatever they got going on, too.
Mine went up 10% after three years without an increase so I thought that was fair enough especially considering I live in the highest rent city in the country.
Was paying the same for 12 years, ever since I moved in, and just this week got a letter saying my rent went up $225 a month. I'm pissed.
Its gone up about $100 in the 4 yrs i've lived there,so nothing too bad.
Paying $550 for a 3 bedroom trailer in a good spot in town. I have a wal mart and a convenient store to get to within 1 minute with restaurants all around. Rent hasn't changed in 5 years.
My ex worker is paying $900 for some random shitty ass apartment in our city. We are one of the cheapest cities in the nation. Can't imagine what places like CA and Austin are paying
Even the paid off homeowners in my area aren't safe. Property taxes and homeowners insurance have both almost doubled in the last 5 years. Sucks for the really old homeowners who are on fixed incomes

I'm glad we don't have property tax in the UK. We just have council tax but mines just £120 a month and that's higher than average for my area so generally it's pretty cheap.
For a studio?

It was £800 for four of the six years we have been in it, jumped £50 after and last year it jumped £100, so £950.

It's not a great place but it's safe, stress free and has helped us financially. I'm on better money now though, and we deserve better.

You still planning on buying a place eventually?

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