How long til blue belt with only no gi experience


Jan 27, 2014
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I recently started training again and have two years training under my belt but only in no gi with no belt system. The new gym I'm at is gi only and I'm a white belt, I'm just curious what is the standard for promoting someone in this situation. A more extreme example would be a guy with say 8 years experience in a no belt system would they just give him a purple or brown when he came in? I'm not in any rush myself I'm just curious

So you have two years training under your belt....but with no belt...gotchaa
You wear the last belt you earned. So in your case a white belt. Your progress will be evaluated the same as everyone else.
3 years, 1 month, 17 days, 5 hours, 10 minutes and 12 seconds.
You wear the last belt you earned. So in your case a white belt. Your progress will be evaluated the same as everyone else.

You'll be white belt until your teacher says your not. Really no other way this question can be answered. Every school is different and there's tons of variables (time off/breaks, does the teacher require competition, affiliation which sometimes have minimum timelines, is there a belt test, length of each class, size of the school....ect)
Probably till they got from you the same kind of money they got from other blue belts.
you got a long way then sorry but doing no gi doesnt give u faster rank u gotta learn the whole system from scratch

Had some mma guys who didn't train in the gi and sucked a bjj get belts at my previous school.
Depends on the instructor. Obviously you'll have fundamental movements down better than other inexperienced whitebelts, but you're also going to have to learn to deal with the friction, getting gripped, lapel chokes, and other nuances of the gi that don't exist. If you adapt quickly, then you'll probably advance quickly. There are a lot of "truths" of grappling that will carry over, of course, but in the Gi, use the Gi, and in Nogi, use the Nogi.
I dunno, I think nogi is tougher than gi and a great foundation. Was just talking to a friend who got her blue belt about a year after beginning BJJ with some background in nogi.
10 or 15 years?

If you are like me and you truly just don’t care about gi, it can be hard to remember techniques, because you don’t think about or practice them. I still can’t do a clock or bow and arrow choke, and I’m not even interested.
We have a guy that is excellent at no gi with 10+ years experience. He earned a gi blue belt about 5 years ago then stopped gi, and now recently restarted gi. Our instructor gave him a purple belt immediately. It was obvious and he readily admitted that he shouldn't have gotten it. He didn't know the grips, passes, chokes, choke defenses, etc. Gi is a different game.
How do you do rolling against other white belts? Blue belts? You could be a blue belt already thanks to the two years but may need to adjust your game to deal with grips and different guards.

I’d say if you stay loyal to your coach and bring him coleslaw you will get what’s called a “fast promotion”

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