How do you guys find motivation?


Purple Belt
Apr 26, 2017
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So i do a classic split each week of push/pull/legs and anything upper body is all good but leg days, thats hard.

I know legs and damn important so dont want to (insert rogans voice) 'fuck off' and skip it. Have moved shoulders onto leg day as found that helps going a bit. Feel great after completing it but getting there is the struggle.
It's not about motivation, it's about habit and consistency.

Why is it hard? Try describing your leg workout.
Definitely agree with Sano, motivation relies on you 'getting in the mood' to train, developing habit and consistency means you're going to fucking do it regardless.
Definitely agree with Sano, motivation relies on you 'getting in the mood' to train, developing habit and consistency means you're going to fucking do it regardless.
Motivation is overrated, but at the same time the dichotomy between motivation and willing yourself constantly banging your head against he wall is not one I align with either.

It's not only about "fucking man up", because the psychology of most people doesn't work like that. Just look around.

It's about finding solutions, manipulating the small things, setting goals that will motivate you (achievable goals), slowly changing habits and before you know it, you are doing shit and getting results without having it to be a constant battle with yourself. Then comes the real reward and motivation, and that's fucking awesome.
I was getting up to go for a run this morning and nearly knocked myself out on the side table. Instantly rolled over and went back to sleep. Winner.
Maybe your point in the cycle is too much to handle and you're starting to burn out. Might be time to deload and restart the cycle.
I like the words of Wendler when he said "Discipline over motivation". Motivation is external. Discipline is internal.
I started a deadlift competition. It's kept me more motivated than I've been for the last five years.
I play football and do well on the basis of my strength relative to my speed. Every week I have confirmation that my training works or motivation to work harder.

Recently hit my first blip in the road in what must be 3 or 4 years. Actually went 2 weeks without training. Now back at it, there's no trick, just cutting back the training to the main lifts and walking out to my gym. Then some accessory stuff happens anyway. One foot in front of the other.
My motivation is if I'm gonna be fat I've gotta be strong.
no motivation just dedication

wow that was gay
Find motivation in the fact that you're doing what most people won't or can't do.
my cock is so large that I need huge guns to match.
I disagree with the "just do it" mentality. Anything that you need to force yoursekf to do, you will dread and eventually crap out and give up. Its inevitable. Instead try to change your mindset. Get excited to go to the gym