How did Mac Danzig build enough muscle as a vegan?

Yeah, you're wrong. You're confusing estrogen with phytoestrogen; one major difference being that current evidence suggests that phytoestrogens don't bioaccumulate. Your breast cancer comment is also false; no conclusions have been drawn by the scientific community regarding soy's role in cancer prevention/causation, although if anything, the consensus right now leans in favour of soy consumption being of benefit in the prevention of many types of cancer (prostate, breast, bowel, etc.)

You are even more wrong, because at least he said "correct me if...", whereas you just speak as if you can't possibly be incorrect.

Unless you have some alternate research under your cap, I AM right.

I really don't give a shit, you want to make soy the basis of your diet you go right ahead, you deserve what you get.
He probably eats lots of cans of worked for Popeye.
Grains, oats, beans, soy, nuts

And there are plenty of protein powders that are Vegan friendly Brewers Yeast, Rice, Soy, Spirulina etc..

Plus hes not even that big.

he's pretty good size for 155lbs..saw him in person.
He takes lots of protein shots to the mouth if you know what i mean....
its not entirely impossible that a 155 pounder just grew into his body... jeez you guys are making it seem like brock lesnar is vegan and we are all trying to figure out how he got so big...
some of the best body builders are vegans
Meat is one of the least efficient ways to get protein.

A pund of beans will give you more protein than a pund of beef, not to mention 0% fat

A pound of beans would give you some killer gas though.
You are exactly right. Soy is one of the worse things a man
or hell anyone can make a staple in their diet.

If anyone wants to know how to build musle with or without animal protein
with or without drugs there is a community that has been doing this for years before other sports and the mainstream finally get around to adopting it's principals:


School yourself on hardcore bodybuilding everything from isometrics, interval training, cutting, bulking is all old hat in the BB community. They've been doing this shit for years.

You should probably read more peer research journals and also what the FDA has to say about it. Your making quite a strong statement on something that your not too educated about.
Some people seem to function better on a high carb, lower protein WOE. He obviously eats fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, etc. Even though he fights with leather gloves.
Yeah, that would be news to all the big Herbivores. Rhinos, elephants, Bison, Giraffes, Buffalo all have some pretty stout muscles, despite never eating an ounce of meat.

Animals produce their own proteins from Amino Acids. same thing with fat, accept in the case of fat the body uses fatty acids.

Now it is easier for the body to break down protein that is consumed into amino acids and use them to create its own protein, but its not a necessity. Animals are capable of cobbling together protein from scratch, although the trade off is that herbivores have to consume vast quantities of plant matter to accomplish this.

Yeah, that would be news to all the big Herbivores. Rhinos, elephants, Bison, Giraffes, Buffalo all have some pretty stout muscles, despite never eating an ounce of meat.

Animals produce their own proteins from Amino Acids. same thing with fat, accept in the case of fat the body uses fatty acids.

Now it is easier for the body to break down protein that is consumed into amino acids and use them to create its own protein, but its not a necessity. Animals are capable of cobbling together protein from scratch, although the trade off is that herbivores have to consume vast quantities of plant matter to accomplish this.

Humans are not those animals, they have completely different physiologies and the comparisons are not applicable in the slightest.

Yeah, you're wrong. You're confusing estrogen with phytoestrogen; one major difference being that current evidence suggests that phytoestrogens don't bioaccumulate.

Soy protein is estrogenic in males. The journals of clinical nutrition are publishing studies on it more and more every day. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are estrogenic, one of the reasons it's used for hormonal balance in menopausal women. So far the two most definitive studies show statistical reduction in test levels from consuming an average of 56g of Soy protein per day, and returning to normal of said levels when consumption was ceased. Yet another study shows Soy protein might contribute to fighting prostate cancer, BECAUSE it significantly lowers testosterone levels, that being one of the main treatments for prostate cancer.

So those suggesting Soy protein boosts estrogen in males, are correct. The anomaly to that is Asian males, however they've been consuming soy in different numbers, and not the same sources of soy, for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.

Working out a ton will build muscle, no matter what you eat.

False. Houses don't get built without bricks, regardless of how hard you work.

Jesus there's a lot of ignorance in here.

Genetics is probably the biggest factor.

Finally, someone smart after scanning 4 pages of this stuff.

Making significant athletic gains as a vegan is an anomaly, anyone who claims to do it is either lying about their intake, or is a bit of a physical anomaly, or is among the most meticulous about their macronutrient portioning and consumption people in existence. Making protein from plant sources without supplementing typically results in higher fat and carbohydrate consumption than protein consumption in order to make full amino profiles.

P.S. - This is typically covered a lot in the dieting and supplementation section of the board, in fact, I'm moving this thread there.
Christ... there sure are a lot of retards in this thread. KK already set things straight, but the whole clydesdale/rhino/elepant argument is the most idiotic, short-sighted crap I've read on here in quite some time.

Soy sucks. If you must avoid tasty animals and their milk, try gemma powder.