How can you trust a man who plucks/shapes his eyebrows? (And paints his beard on)

That's a bit harsh.

As a Man who has to pluck his brows to save himself from having one eyebrow, I understand the struggle.

Hey, if I didn't pluck the hairs from the middle, instead of getting clowned for being 'metrosexual' and grooming myself, I'd get clowned for being a unibrow having fucktard.

You can't win.
Duh. Garbrandt's been pulling bitches since middle school

is that a young Jake Ellenberger?
Honestly, Cody's just following Faber in this beef. I tend to believe TJ here. If anyone in this picture is an egomaniac and controlling it's prob Urijah. I just don't trust him for some reason.
don't trust that guy around your girlfriend/wife/sister.

And his beard too for that matter

I haven't.

This is why I believe the story of TJ King Cobra Dillashaw. What do you think?

What's the problem he's well groomed good looking, sell able, clean, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't pluck out some mutant nose, brow, ear, hair. That sh!t happens when you age...