Hello can a fighter with tiny hands be a UFC champion


Silver Belt
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Hello I was looking at a photo of Chuck Liddell and he has big hands I was curious if he were the same weight class but had very small hands can he still be the champion thank you and I am not talking about normal size hands I am talking small hands, very small can barely grip a pencil thank you and god bless you

Maybe they have unlimited cardio and skills and best boxer and wrestling and fight eye Q but they are cursed with some very small hands can they be the champion is my question thanks a lot
I am not talking about normal size hands I am talking small hands, very small can barely grip a pencil thank you and god bless you

This is a post from a 2007 silver belt account?

You'll be hard pressed to find someone with hands so small that they can't grip a pencil/your dick, but Nick Newell did pretty well for just having one hand. So it's possible for someone with baby hands to do okay in the UFC
In theory, a punch delivered with the same amount of force by someone with small hands should create a bigger impact. It doesn't seem to be that way in practice; I'm guessing it's because guys with small hands don't punch with the same force, or some other explanation that makes sense mathematically.
Khabib grandpa would have been the goat

Barely grip a pencil? No. The answer is no.
If someone could barely grip a pencil I'd argue they should go see a doctor, not try to become an MMA champion
Studies have explored the relationship between hand size, finger length, and grip strength. One study analyzed the ratio between the second and fourth digits (2D:4D) in adolescent boys, finding that those with a shorter second digit relative to the fourth had better grip strength, suggesting a possible link between prenatal testosterone levels and physical development.

Another research from 2011 investigated hand dimensions and their relation to athleticism, noting that exceptional athletes often have unique anthropometric features, like unusually large or shaped hands. However, the conclusions from these studies vary, indicating the complexity of determining the precise relationship between hand size and strength.

Yeah. It's MMA, so punching is just one aspect and weapon amid many.
The concern is mostly grip strength really, but not so sure it matters in that either.
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This is a post from a 2007 silver belt account?

You'll be hard pressed to find someone with hands so small that they can't grip a pencil/your dick, but Nick Newell did pretty well for just having one hand. So it's possible for someone with baby hands to do okay in the UFC
This lol... the OP vs join date dynamic is all weird here lolol

I guess by Marvel movie logic, smaller hands delivering the same force should make more impact felt... that's Ant Man's whole schtick lol