Having a training regrets mid life crisis


Blue Belt
Feb 23, 2013
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I'm a very youthful 45 year old and have been in and out of Martial Arts since 1981 and have started and stopped all different styles since then and the lack of discipline and being lazy a lot of the times have made me an unconfident mess YET I still want to achieve something.
I have tried Shotokan Karate, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Aikido, Wing Chun, Judo, Boxing, MMA, Lau Gar etc etc alongside Rugby League and Rugby Union and the sad thing is I had the talent for most and within a small amount of time starting I adapt to the chosen style/sport like a duck to water and my Boxing coach who I'm doing personal fitness/pads/light sparring with has told me that my skills are like a top amateur i.e. defence, power, speed and can apply my self to orthodox and southpaw and have a range of styles in Boxing ( which I think it's the past different Martial Arts styles I have practised over time).

I have wasted myself and don't want to get old and bitter :(

PS the only thing I have done is become a Screen Combat Extra and that was why I got into Martial Arts as a kid because of the movies.
Did you have fun?
If yes then you have not wasted your time.
Seems like you pointed out the problems yourself in the first few sentences of your post. If you're 45 now and want to accomplish anything, choose one thing you know you can stick with for an extended period of time, train your ass off doing that one thing and see how far you get. You're not gonna be a world champ, but if you choose to take up boxing or muay thai, for example, I bet there's a dude your age out there that would be willing to step in the ring with you. Focus and just do it.
Did you have fun?
If yes then you have not wasted your time.

Unless you're doing combat sports as a career, at the end of the day its a hobby. Despite putting alot of effort, and hours of the your day into it, its a hobby.
Who da fuck knows what you coulda been. Many of us have similar "what if" thoughts. At least you had the opportunity to do these things when you were young. I had no opportunity to do these things as a child. My parents worked long hours and weren't around to take me to any classes. I was about 30 when I started training for boxing. if only I had started doing this as a kid... or maybe even right after college. but I was too busy drinking partying and wasting my money. maybe I coulda been a golden gloves champion.. or maybe I coulda been a vegetable from taking so many hits to the head...

as others have said.. you probably treated this as a hobby... continue treating it like one or work towards a goal. be a trainer. or maybe you want to compete? masters league? if you are truly unhappy about something do something about it.
Train up and fight a few seniors division boxing bouts. 3x1 minute rounds, 16oz gloves and bigger head gear.
Either compete or become a trainer and live your dreams in your students/sons
What do you mean by "accomplish"? Do you find personal value in your training? If so, then it is not wasted. If you define "accomplish" by winning titles/belts then your answer is yes.
My thing is always I can do things in the Entertainment industry and sport till I´m 40, then it´s too late. Well at 40 you still can do things in the entertainment industry but not the ones I want. I´m 29.5 now.

Yes I wasted a lot of time, however did a lot of good things too which make me the person I am now.

Once you´re 45 you are not gonna be a price fighter anymore. Apart a 300 $ check which leads you nowhere and you risk your health.

Decide what you wanna do still, open a gym ? Be a trainer ? Find other ways to achieve your goals, not sure if it´s money and fame or just a successful career in something generally.

A UFC or Glory kickboxing price fighter is out of the stars for you. Even if you trained perfectly for 1 year are super talented as you think and are aging like Randy, well he had tons of fight up to 45, how long could you fight, 1-2 fights in the ufc.
Regret Hurts, Gary Vee said it right. Worst thing.
I think I just take up some semi contact Tae Kwon Do or something for flexibility and sport and no blood lust alongside Boxing/Kickboxing pad work fitness and maybe competitive Grappling.
There's nothing you can do to change that, get over it, but you can now behave in aa way you don't regret in 10 years
When I was 19, I had boxed while in high school. I found two really good trainers that I trained with for a short time each( around 3-5 months) and I did some karate and a lot of boxing on my own. Anyways, I found another good boxing coach at 19 but really did not stick with it because I thought I was too old to really start a boxing career. I just started to focus on boxing in general. One thing that was also a huge demotivator was the fact that, from 15-19, I had sparred with five pro boxers, one high level amateur, a 6th dan in Karate, and a bunch of cans that seriously offered zero competition---no sport in it at all. I competed in a few amateur matches and won them easily, but I couldn't do anything with the pros. Training was rough and I was pretty much thrown to the wolves. At that time, it was either zero competition or get my ass kicked by pro boxers. I had trainers tell me that I was good but they didn't really do a good job mentoring me in that direction. Anyways, I am 43 now. Yeah, 19 may be a tad old to start really competing if you want to be a pro boxer. I just practice martial arts in general now for self defense and fun. I don't really regret not going pro or anything.
Sry 2 b harsh cause I'm about 2 have surgery and CAN'T train, but it sounds like something to take up with your therapist.

b fuckin happy u r in 1 piece and if u can't find the motivation to train deal with it!

it's not 4 u!
I think I just take up some semi contact Tae Kwon Do or something for flexibility and sport and no blood lust alongside Boxing/Kickboxing pad work fitness and maybe competitive Grappling.

You´re gonna enjoy it, look fitter, be healthier and get respect, everybody respects a man who can kick some ass. Maybe find new friends in it. It can be a hobby, like a real thing that you´re passionate about, but something that you do once daily and the rest of the day is your private life and whatever ambition you have as a career, cause 45 is not too old to be successful financialy.
I train strictly for fun, fitness and self defense. I personally have some aversions about competitions because the Martial Arts were formulated for reality self protection not for medals or trophies.

As far as gaining a sense of accomplishment, I'd say choose ONE ART and stick with it until you reach the coveted black belt. I'm probably going to sound biased here but I personally suggest that you try to find a Kyokushin or derivative dojo to join. I am of the very humble opinion that of all the traditional martial arts Kyokushin Karate (as well as Kodokan Judo matter of fact) is the one martial in which the black belt actually means something. In Kyokushin you have to work hard as hell and go through an awful lot to EARN your black belt. It is also excellent for self defense.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do but I wish to reiterate that I don't see anything worth regretting as long as you stick with something to the end, have fun while doing it and realizing that protection of yourself and your loved ones is the main goal of training in the fighting arts and not trying to win medals and trophies in competitions (which have RULES, referees, circumstances and environments that you will NEVER have the luxury of benefiting from in the streets).

have fun while doing it and realizing that protection of yourself and your loved ones is the main goal of training in the fighting arts


speak for yourself

your opinion is not a fact for everyone

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